thirty-six: dream forever

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"rise and shine," a voice yelled out, waking everyone from their deep slumber, except for a few. "breakfast starts at eight, we better not be late. if you want showers, go ahead, but we won't save you any food!"

jeongguk rose up, rubbing his eyes. he saw that taehyung wasn't by his side anymore, instead drying his hair with a towel.

everyone woke up one by one to jimin's voice, except for two.

jimin let out a sigh, "even though they're not related by blood, they're too much alike."

he decided to go shake the two awake, walking over to yoongi first. "baby, honey, sweetie pie," he started softly, but then began shaking aggressively, "wake up!"

yoongi shifted, rolling to the other side of the bed away from jimin. the blond gave up, moving onto the next person. instead of trying to waste his voice and scream, jimin decided to just start shaking jeongyeon awake.

she let out a loud groan, "what kind of dipshit—" she opened her eyes a little, "ugh it's you, it's always you, you fucking short ass dwarf, what do you want?"

jimin scoffed, "my god the level of disrespect, i'm older than you, you know!"

jeongyeon stared back at jimin, ignoring his words and waiting for a proper answer.

"whatever, the breakfast bar is supposed to be served at eight. wake up now if you want to eat before all the food is gone."

jeongyeon let out another groan, "how dare you make me choose between food and sleep!"

she whined, throwing some sort of tantrum under the covers before storming to the bathroom, letting out fake cries.

"that girl really needs to learn to respect her elders," jimin mumbled under his breath, going back to fix his hair.

jeongguk was able to use to the bathroom right before jeongyeon stormed in. he changed into the turtleneck sweater he packed, proud of himself for bringing it. memories of the previous night still hasn't left his thoughts, making him avoid taehyung until now.

"nice sweater, babe," taehyung said with a grin, knowing the true intentions of the sweater.

jeongguk couldn't make eye contact, his gaze going all over the room.

"okay, let's go!" jimin hollered out as soon a jeongyeon was ready.

jeongguk was glad jimin had spoken out, ending whatever conversation taehyung was trying to make. the younger finally letting out the air he was holding in.

they left the room with yoongi, knowing there was no way of waking him up. just when jeongguk thought he escaped the older, taehyung quickly caught up, intertwining their fingers. jeongguk looked down at his hands, then at taehyung, finally making eye contact. taehyung just gave back a smile. the younger quickly looked away, ignoring the fact that his hand is probably sweating immensely at the moment.

the area where breakfast was set out wasn't too crowded, a few people here and there. they spotted a table large enough for all of them to sit in, and quickly grabbed a plate and some food.

jeongguk decided to go for a bagel, and grabbed the same for taehyung. he also got a couple cream cheese spread and a butter knife. taehyung decided to make jeongguk a coffee, while he made himself some green tea. jeongguk went back to the table, joining baekhee and beomseok who seemed to be talking about the best way to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. jimin and taehyung followed shortly.

jeongguk and taehyung exchanges what they got for each other, both saying small thanks.

jeongyeon came in last, a plate full of food. it could last her for the entire day, but then again, knowing jeongyeon, she'll probably go back for seconds.

jimin decided to take more pictures. jeongguk would've usually been nice and posed for the pictures, but he was feeling too shy that morning. taehyung's hand resting casually on his thigh wasn't really helping either. he noticed quickly that the older really enjoyed physical contact.

"gguk-ah, are you okay? you seem to be sweating, do you want to change from your sweater?" jimin inquired the younger.

"no hyung, i'm fine."

taehyung noticed the younger getting all riled up, so he removed his hand away from jeongguk and steered it to hold his tea. jeongguk's shoulder relaxed a bit, but not going to lie, he slightly missed the older's touch. slightly.

jeongguk looked down at his coffee. the paper cup was a nice shade of purple. purple. almost the same shade as the mark on jeongguk's neck. his mind once again rethought of the nights events, and what would've happened if the others hadn't showed up.

"nothing, nothing would've happened. and you wouldn't let anything happen," jeongguk assured himself.

taehyung was someone he met not too long ago. heck, they shouldn't even know each other, let alone be having any sort of physical contact right now. they shouldn't even be on this road trip. jeongguk thinks back to everything that's happened so far.

he met taehyung. they made a deal. he made new friends. he came on a road trip. they kissed. now he's eating a bagel.

jeongguk keeps thinking this is all a dream. everything that's happening to jeongguk seems like something that would only happen in dramas, where everything goes so fast. too fast. and this dream is coming to an end soon as well, and still, jeongguk couldn't help but wish this dream would last forever.

okay, i know i haven't updated in three or four days.
it's because i'm loosing motivation to keep writing, but i'm still going to finish it! i've spent so much time and effort into creating the plot for this, and i'm not letting it go to waste!
also have two other fanfics (both taegguk) i would like to work on, so idk if i should publish them after i finish this one.
i'll see.
thank you if you read this far.

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