fourty-six: work, work, work.

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tears threatened to escape the boy's eyes, but he held them back as much as possible.

jeongguk, you better not cry, you can't cry. you must be strong. you are not going let everything your parents have worked for go to waste. you will not loose this shop, you cannot.

he took a few breaths, doing his best to calm himself, but jeongguk just couldn't understand why everything was happening to him now. the past few days, has been a few of the best days of his life. he was actually happy; it's been a while since jeongguk felt happiness. maybe this was just the way of god giving jeongguk a lollipop, so sweet and tasty, and jeongguk licked it all away, which lead him to the bitter taste of the paper stick. or maybe the deities were messing around with his life, giving the boy a gift and then stealing it back. either way, jeongguk knew that things were going too well, and something was meant to happen.

throughout all this chaos, jeongguk couldn't even take a second to think of how taehyung might of been feeling. he knew the older truly believed jeongguk wanted to continue the relationship, which was true, until now. to lead someone on is the worst thing to do, and jeongguk is strongly against that, but it's exactly what he did. yes, he can run back to taehyung now and beg for forgiveness, but he can't. there's no time for jeongguk to waste on a love life, he can't afford that. the only focus that must be in his eyes are his dad and the shop, the only two things he has left for himself in this world.

think, think, think, jeongguk. think goddammit!

jeongguk was to the point where he could rip of his hair off, and start bleeding from how harshly he chewed on his lips. ideas usually didn't come to him when he was so stressed, so it took a while for his mind to clear up and see straight. jeongguk realized he needs to check on how much money he has. the boy ran out and headed to the nearest atm. jeongguk checked his account balance, which he has been saving up on to renovate the shop, but that isn't really important right now. he has been getting monthly salaries from his father even though jeongguk didn't want them, as they were useless since they will be sharing money anyways, but his father was persistent on how a young boy should have his own money to spend on his wanted purchases. what he had saved up through these years will only cover a little more than half of what is needed to pay. jeongguk is quite certain his father's account is nearly empty as he's always buying new supplies for the store with the most expensive material saying, "only the best for my customers."

there's no way the bank will give them a loan, and they have no property to give as an assurance for a private loan. there's no friends or family jeongguk has who are close enough to lend him that big of an amount. they still have a little less than a month left before all the overdue bills must be paid, and jeongguk is determined he will figure it out.

jeongguk then suddenly remembered that due to everything being so clouded in his mind, he had forgotten to lock up the shop. jeongguk returned to store, but decided to head back in to examine all the papers carefully one more time. mid-way through his fifth time re-reading it all, the shop's phone rang. jeongguk first contemplated wether he should pick it up or not, but decided he should at least inform the caller they are closed.

"hello, jeon's corner, sorry we are closed at the moment and for the next couple days."

"but i had made a special request, i was supposed to pick it up later this evening. i called to check up on wether it was done earlier than planned or not," a female voice said in an oddly familiar dialect.

"well my father must've accepted that. sorry may i ask for you're name, i can check for your request," jeongguk kindly offered.

"my name is kyung ja."

"oh, hello halmeoni, it's me, jeongguk," the boy forced a polite greeting to the elder. although he wasn't jeongguk's actual grandmother, she always treated him so kindly and was a regular customer.

"jeongguk-ah, it's you! my hearing's getting worse by the day, i couldn't even recognize yours."

"i haven't been around for a while, let me check up on your order." jeongguk grabbed the binder where all special orders were jotted down. as soon as he flipped to the most recent page, he wished he hadn't even opened it.

his father seems to not be getting as many orders as before, and not as big. the only one he had gotten the whole week is mrs. kyung's special order, that seemed to be not checked off as done. "sorry, hold on a second, halmeoni. i'll go check in the back if it's complete." he heard her hum back as a response. jeongguk walked to the studio and went to the only easel with a canvas, an unfortunately blank canvas. beside the easel was a little table, holding the planned sketch for the actual painting. it was incredible, even if it was a quick and messy sketch, the final outcome would be breathtaking. jeongguk expected nothing less from his father.

he returned to the call, and told mrs. kyung, "it seems like my father hasn't started the project yet, halmeoni."

"oh but he said he would have it done for this evening. it was for my grand-daughter's birthday gift. is it possible for him to finish by this evening?"

"well of course considering it's my father, but he has unfortunately fallen ill today. he's actually admitted at the hospital right now."

"heaven's no! i hope he get's well, god will not punish the innocent," mrs. kyung, a strong believer in her religion, prayed.

"thank you. i'm terribly sorry to tell you that you're order will not be complete. i invite you to pick from any of our other artworks in the store, i can even deliver it to your door," jeongguk offered, knowing well he had too many things on his plate, but was willing to add more.

"no, it won't do, the order i requested is quite special. i understand your father is not there,but is there anyway you can fill in for him, jeongguk-ah? i've seen your work, it's almost as exceptional as your father's."

"what? me? oh no, i can nev—"

"please, jeongguk-ah, its very important to me. i'll even pay double."

pay double?

jeongguk was contemplating on what to do, but he knew that if he were to save this shop, he had to make money as fast as he can. as he was about to accept, he also remembered the great morals his father had thought him.

"no need to pay more than you must, after all my father agreed for it to be done today. since you're insisting so much and it should be my duty to take responsibility for anything that occurs at jeon's corner, it would be rude of me to say no. i'll try my best to finish it by this evening."

mrs. kyung thanked the younger greatly and hung up. jeongguk sighed as he walked back to studio, and took a seat in front of the blank canvas.

well, better get to work.

ok ok, i know this chapter was pretty boring but it'll help with future chapters.
next chapter will move much faster and i swear i'll get back to taekook very very soon (in the chapter after the next).
ok, now, let's move on to the important businesseu
1. singularity was soooooo good and I can't wait for their comeback. tae's voice is the most soothing thing ever, don't fight me on this
2. black haired bangtan acc gives me life y'all don't even know and they look so good in the concept pics aghhh i can't wait for them to have america shook again.
3. taehyung's lip piercing.
what. a. concept.
i'm dead, y'all are invited to my funeral!

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