sixty-seven: unfinished business

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"ah, nothing like home sweet home!" taehyung yelled, inhaling a big puff of air quite loudly.

"hmm, wonder when i'll see my home," jeongguk commented from behind, setting his bag down. "why'd you even drag me here?"

the older looked back with a mischievous look, throwing his own luggage somewhere to his side. he revealed a perfect set of teeth to show a sly smile. "'cause we have some unfinished business to take care of."

"unfinished business?" jeongguk questioned with a smirk, knowing damn well what was going to happen.

"if it weren't for that nosy little kid I would've eaten you right up on that train. you've left me hungry for a very long time, jeon."

"well then starve to death for all i care."

taehyung approched the other, who moved back with every step he took. once jeongguk's back hit the wall, the older knew there was no way for his precious bunny to escape from the tiger's territory. "now is that really how you should care for your boyfriend?"

"boyfriend? i don't recall coming to those terms?"

"oh really, shall i remind you then?" taehyung's voice went a few octaves lower, sending shivers down the younger's spine.

lips, after what felt like hours of desperately leaning in, were finally attached, both instantly moving in sync to each other's pace. an arm snaked under jeongguk's shirt, but this time he didn't have the urge to push it away. he let taehyung roam his well built body, and the older was surprised to feel the muscular boy. lips left lips and attached to the younger's neck. when taehyung earned the satisfactory sound he searched from the boy, he bit down on the spot which earned the lovely sound harder.

"t-tae— ah!" it was like music to his ears as jeongguk whimpered under his touch, barely being able to mutter out a few words. the younger somehow managed to move his hands from gripping taehyung's shirt to his face. he steered the older away from his neck back to his lips.

"i don't need anymore of your markings," jeongguk said in between kisses. "i'm out of concealer and i will not be explaining this to my dad."

they continued their lip contact for a little longer. teeth and tongues clashed, both fighting for dominance already knowing who would win that fight. taehyung was able to roam every inch of jeongguk, until he decided he needed to savour the taste and pulled away to speak. "well, i'll just have to mark you on places he won't be able to see." he began giving butterfly kisses along his jaw as he slowly began to lift the jeongguk's shirt up, barely revealing his abdomen.

"buzz!" a loud obnoxious sound was heard, leading the boys to stop their explicit actions.

"you've got to be fucking kidding me!" taehyung cursed. he decided to ignore it and proceed with his previous task until the sound was heard again.

"hyung, go check who that is," jeongguk said, pulling his shirt back down.

the older huffed out a loud sigh. he went to the front of the door and pressed on the intercom.


"tae? it's me, your mom."

taehyung froze, not being able to cough out a word. the door was always unlocked until night, and the intercom was always unused, unless it was a food delivery. he had assumed the delivery person buzzed the wrong apartment number, but he didn't expect his mother, especially after their last conversation. "uh– come up, the door's always open."

jeongguk quickly scrambled to fix his hair and taehyung's who didn't move from his position against the counter. soon, light knocks were heard. the younger had to push the boy to open the door.

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