twenty-one: baby it's three am

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jeongguk tossed around the bed, rolling, squirming, trying every single position possible and even the impossible, but nothing worked.

jeongguk couldn't sleep.

two-eighteen, the electrical clock displayed. he had no idea why he couldn't sleep, not like he wasn't tired, he just couldn't sleep. okay, maybe he had a small hint of what the cause could be, but there was nothing he could do about it.

the younger stared at the ceiling for another seven minutes, but was starting to feel cramped. he got up, tried walking around the house for a few minutes, still the same amount of tiredness that wasn't enough for his body to shut down. drank a little warm milk, and went back to bed. he even played white noises, but nothing worked!

jeongguk got sick of staring at the boring emptiness and got up, tossed on his sweater but keeping his black shorts. grabbed his phone and keys, he headed out. jeongguk made sure to lock the door and shoved his keys back in his pocket.

he started walking, hoping he remembered the right path. he just needed to head straight and make a small left turn then walk a bit more, simple. or was it a right turn? no it was definitely left.

he felt a slight chill, regretting on deciding to ditch the pants.

jeongguk continued walking and made the left turn. once he spotted his destination, jeongguk smiled to himself, praising his memory even in the dark.

the lights were on, being the only light source to this neighbourhood other the few working and almost broken street lights that no seems to care enough to replace or fix. jeongguk hesitated, thinking if he should just turn back. he decided this was bad idea, and turned his heel ready to head back, when he heard something like footsteps.

head through creepy darkness or go somewhere safe.

jeongguk was not another character in a horror film, meaning jeongguk wasn't out of his mind, so he chose the safer option. he rushed to the glass entrance, hesitating to open the door. it's much better to open the door then stand there like an idiot, so he did. he pushed the door slowly, the little bell making a sound.

taehyung head shot up from the magazine he was reading to the entrance, "welcome, how ca— jeongguk?"

jeongguk approched a bit closer to the counter, giving a small wave, "hey."

"what are you doing here, it's—," taehyung checked the clock, "exactly three am! you should be asleep!"

"wow you sound like my grandma," jeongguk tried joking.

"no actually why are you here?"

"you don't want me to be?"

"what? no! of course i'd want you to be here but i'd also want you to be sleeping, i care about you jeongguk."

"i was..." jeongguk started fidgeting with his fingers trying to make something up, "craving some of your ramyun? yup! i wanted your ramyun so i came."

is that all you wanted jeongguk?

taehyung let out a little laugh, "oh really? well sir it's your lucky night because three o'clock is my daily snack time. sit, i'll make us some."

jeongguk scooted to the seats that face the glass wall, the same ones they sat at last time. they were high chairs that jeongguk had no trouble slipping into. he thought of the couple they had met at the coffee shop, smiling at himself when he thought how they'd have to help each other to get onto one of these.

okay jeongguk they're not that short.

jeongguk imagination may have been going a little to wild that night but he'd like to blame it on the lack of sleep.

soon after, taehyung followed with their ramyun and chopsticks. "careful it's h—" before taehyung could finish his sentence, jeongguk dug right in."ah shit," jeongguk cursed slamming his chopsticks down and fanning his mouth.

taehyung grabbed jeongguk's face, "are you okay? i told you it was hot! should i call one-one-nine? fuck, i should've blew on it and fed you mys—," taehyung started rambling.

"hyung calm down, i was just joking," jeongguk laughed. he stretched out his tongue, "see no burn."

"you're a little piece of shit you know that?"

"a big golden piece of shit you mean?"

"nah, my little piece of shit, has a nice ring to it, don't you think? suits you perfectly."

jeongguk huffed and started slurping on his ramyun. jeongguk soon let out a moan, it just tasted so damn delicious.

"babe, those sounds your releasing are steering my mind in a very wrong direction," taehyung commented casually.

"not my fault your mind is in the gutter."

"but like actually, you came 'cause you missed be right? admit it," taehyung said waving around his chopsticks as he spoke.

jeongguk shook his head, "no, i was just really, really, really craving ramyun."

"at three am?"

"it's always at three am."

"you wanna know what i crave at three am?"

"i thought i told you to get your mind out of the gutter, hmm guess i didn't. well doesn't matter, get it out of there, it's a scary place."

taehyung let out a fake gasp, "what! it's not in the gutter, i swear."

"fine hyung, what do you crave in the middle of the night?"

"hmm, let me think," he placed his hand on his chin, "you."

jeongguk let out a sigh, already knowing that would be his answer. still, he couldn't stop his lips from forming a smile.

still no clue what to do for thursday but excited about writing friday!!
sorry for not updating yesterday
also listen to 3 am by finding hope if you haven't already, i luv it

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