fifty-four: let's talk

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"gguk?" taehyung whispered. it been about an hour since both of them had gotten into bed.

"hmm?" jeongguk hummed back, wide awake.

"you're not asleep?"

"if i were, would i be answering you, idiot?"

taehyung chuckled quietly. "i meant why aren't you sleeping?"

"just got a lot of things on my mind."

neither said anything afterwards. it wasn't pitch black, and jeongguk could see a figure move at the corner of his eye. more specifically, a hand. taehyung's hand. it dangled from the edge of the top bunk. jeongguk didn't realize he was reaching out to touch this hand until he felt warmth run through his fingers. oh how he missed this hand. the younger began playing with his fingers, taehyung not budging a bit. jeongguk's hand became quite tired of staying up, so he gripped onto one of the older's fingers.

"wanna talk about it?" taehyung said suddenly.

jeongguk had truly thought he had gone to sleep, as there was no reaction coming. "kinda."

"wanna come up?"


jeongguk quietly got out of his bed, and climbed up to the top bunk. taehyung had made some space between himself and the wall so that the younger can squeeze in. it took a couple minutes to get comfortable, before they faced each other.

"that day... when i called, you're voice was shaking. jeongguk, what really happened?"

jeongguk closed his eyes, not wanting to relive that memory, but he had to give an explanation.

"my father, he had fainted due to stress. as he fainted on the road, doctors suspected an accident to have occurred. i rushed to hospital, and that's when you called. i-i was in a really weak spot, i'm sorry if i said anything that hurt you."

"god no, i'm sorry. i should've understood your situation, instead i just got mad at you."

"i just wanted a person to blame, although it was my fault, and you were there."

"no i wasn't, i should've been. were you alone? and it's not your fault gguk."

"i would've rather been alone. and yes, it is. if i were by my father's side that day, it wouldn't have happened. instead i was just fooling around with you."

"fooling around?" taehyung sounded weaker than ever. "right, i'm sorry, it's partially my fault too then."

"no, i didn't mean it like that! i just—"

"it's okay jeongguk. he's your only family, i get it. if he were to leave you, you'd be alone, i know how that feels. we should go to sleep, let's not wake the others." with that, taehyung turned away from jeongguk, leaving the boy to stare at his back.

an hour or so had passed, and jeongguk knew he messed up. he should've used his words more wisely, but he didn't. taehyung wasn't asleep. jeongguk knew. although the older wasn't alone and was surrounded by people, jeongguk knew the boy felt alone. he's going through so much right now, and jeongguk should be there to help him, not make it worse. his carefully wrapped his hands around taehyung's waist, scooting a little closer. he felt the older twitch.

taehyung had thought jeongguk had gone to sleep, and it was actions done without conscious. until the boy said, "i'm sorry, hyung. goodnight."

although the older wasn't completely satisfied, he still smiled. he had someone by his side for the moment, and that's all he needed.

lol my last couple updates have been long and this ones so shortttttt
but quick update cause i want to finish this book as soon as i can!
i'm working on a new fic kekekeke

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