twenty-three: those thighs though

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jeongguk slowly opened his eyelids, sudden light rays covering his vision. once things became a bit more clear, he was able to remember where he was and his surroundings. his vision was mostly covered taehyung's face, still peacefully sleeping. the younger's arms were still wrapped around taehyung, and his own body was still in the tight grasp of the other. jeongguk didn't move, knowing he wouldn't be able even budge from how tight he's being held, and scared of waking the older. he took the time to study taehyung's facial features, highly tempted to trace them with his index finger.

"you know, it's rude to stare," words escaped the older's mouth, whose eyes were still kept closed.

jeongguk didn't realize the older had woken up, "sorry."

taehyung opened his eyes, his lip curving into a smile, "good morning, or should i say good afternoon?"

"hmm? what time is it?" jeongguk tried to turn to look at the clock hung on the wall behind him, but taehyung still held the boy in a strong hold.

"almost one," the older replied to his question. they did sleep at seven after all. "six whole hours of sleep, that's quadruple the time i usually get."

"glad you slept well."

"we should do this more often."

jeongguk let out a soft laugh, "very funny. wanna get brunch?"

"not really, i want to stay like this for a little longer."

"well too bad, i'm hungry."

jeongguk used all his force to wiggle out, which he succeeded in, but was brought right back down as taehyung grasped his arms.

taehyung let out a groan, "just five more minutes."

jeongguk let a sigh. five minutes turned into ten, then ten turned into twenty, and twenty turned into thirty.

"hyung," jeongguk poked the older, who was half asleep.




"yah, wake up!"


"tae, wake up," jeongguk whined.

the older opened his eyes, "it's hyung to you babe, unless you want to call me by another honorific."

"hyung!" jeongguk shouted when he realized what taehyung had meant.

"i'm kidding," the older chuckled, "okay, i'll get up. let's go eat brunch."

taehyung leaned in to give a quick peck, but was blocked by jeongguk's hand, "neither of us have brushed our teeth's yet."

taehyung rolled his eyes. he gave the quick peck to jeongguk hand and got up. the younger however, wasn't expecting for taehyung to take his hand as an alternative.

after a little digging around, taehyung found the spare toothbrush he had bought a little while ago, in case he felt like cleaning up the place one day. toothbrush does wonders scraping of little bits of stubborn dirt.

"here, you can wash up first. skip the shower, you can take one later, you said you were hungry didn't you? i'll try to find you something to wear."

jeongguk took the brush and towel taehyung had offered in his hands, "thanks, and just pants or jeans will do, i'll keep the sweater on."

jeongguk headed to the washroom, as taehyung started rummaging through his closet. he found a pair of sweatpants that seemed like it would fit jeongguk. before taehyung could close his closet, he spotted a black material at the corner of his closet. an evil smirk formed on taehyung's lips as he tossed the sweatpants back in and switched it for the black leather pants that taehyung had never worn before. he had received it from one of his co-workers when they were forced to do secret santa one year at a staff party.

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