seven: pda

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about fifteen minutes later, jeongguk was finally able to watch the anime. jeongguk would laugh quietly when anything humorous occurred, he was completely sucked into the anime.

taehyung observed the way jeongguk's mouth was slightly parted as he stared at the screen. his lips were slightly thin, yet had a slight plumpness to it, they were the perfect size. a rosy tint, like he had applied makeup, but taehyung knows this boy's beauty is all natural. taehyung couldn't move his eyes away, staring at jeongguk's lips, the same way jeongguk was staring at taehyung's slender fingers earlier.

"jeongguk," taehyung said, making the younger look at taehyung. their faces we closer than jeongguk thought was necessary. the episode ended, making the room dead quiet, so quiet they can hear each other's heartbeat.

"i know you said no pda," he whispered leaning a bit closer to the younger, eye's still on jeongguk's breathtaking lips, "but i can't help it."

taehyung closed the gap between them once again, completely this time, and jeongguk couldn't do anything to bring it back. taehyung slowly kissed the younger. jeongguk remained frozen, eyes wide open.

"it's not really fun when it's a one-sided kiss, makes me seem like a pervert," taehyung said pulling back for a second, then diving right back in. jeongguk couldn't help it either, no matter how loud his mind screamed to pull away, he couldn't. his mouth started syncing with taehyung's. noticing that the younger had finally started responding, taehyung smiled into the kiss, pushing jeongguk back a bit, so his head rested against the couch's arm. Their slow passionate kiss, turned into something more. before it can go any further, taehyung's phone started ringing, breaking them both out of the spell they seemed to be under. taehyung broke the kiss first, leaving a heavily panting jeongguk on the couch, getting off to go check his phone.

it was a spam call, probably requesting to sign up for something. taehyung recognized the caller id from when he first got a call from them and answered, had hung up as soon as he realized it was a spam call.

he threw the phone back on the table. taehyung looked at jeongguk with a smile, jeongguk was back in a proper sitting position, staring down and fidgeting with the blanket he covered himself back with. taehyung could see how red the younger's face was, which he found adorable, he loves the way jeongguk gets flustered easily.

"so, where were we?" taehyung said sliding back under the blanket, leaning into jeongguk to resume his previous actions, which jeongguk quickly stopped by shoving his head into taehyung's chest, putting them both back into their original position when the anime had started.

"episode two," jeongguk replied referring to the anime, avoiding what just happened.

"right," taehyung said with a very visible smirk, playing the next episode.

taehyung brought jeongguk closer to him, which jeongguk didn't stop.

i really would like to know what you're thinking heart, you can't keep taking control.

jeongguk was still shocked at his own actions. he just felt so weak under taehyung's touch, he couldn't do anything other then let the older takeover.

never had jeongguk kissed a boy like that, or a girl for the matter. he's had a couple girlfriends in the past. they've cuddled and little pecks here and there. they all ended because the other thought jeongguk wasn't "fun" enough for their liking.

taehyung might get bored of you as well before this week even ends.

it just took a while for jeongguk to get used to someone, to show them his real personality. but here he is, with someone he met only two days ago, cuddling after a make-out session.

jeongguk didn't hate it, no not all, the opposite actually. he was just embarrassed his hormones were this easy to loose control.

seemed like this boy is slowly uncovering jeongguk's layers that the younger himself didn't even know he had.

"you broke a rule from our deal," jeongguk let out, barely audible.

"hmm?" taehyung still managed to hear jeongguk quiet words over the sound coming from the laptop.

"meaning i can break up with you. break this deal."

"woah there babe, you kissed me back, and even if you didn't, you wouldn't break up with me now would you?" taehyung said nuzzling closer with a victorious look on his face.

jeongguk stayed silent, because what taehyung said was in fact true. jeongguk doesn't seem to understand why he couldn't just end things there and then. maybe because he wants to see how things will play out, it's only the first day after all.

there was a lot more to come.

this chapter was written really bad, I might re-write it, but for now I'll leave it like this.
y'all hixtape was amazing
bye <3

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