twelve: breakfast

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the two males met each other at the coffee shop early in the morning to eat breakfast together. as usual, there was a long line. the place was more crowded than usual due to the tuesday special the cafe served.

taehyung, who never seems to stand still, decided to hold jeongguk's hand while waiting in line, but with more grip this time so jeongguk couldn't jerk it off like he had the first time taehyung held his hand. that time, it was for attention, this time it's just a why not. jeongguk tried breaking free, but taehyung was stronger.

"yah, let go!" he whispered quite loudly, but only for taehyung to hear.

"no, and stop struggling, people are going to think i'm trying to kidnap you."

"everyone's going to see!"

"so what?"

"what do you mean so what, we're gonna get kicked out, or even worse, banned. i really like this coffee shop hyung."

"are you embarrassed to be seen with me?"

"what? i never said that, well technically yes, w-wait no, not embarrassed. i just don't want to make other's uncomfortable," jeongguk bit his lip, he knew he'd get disgusted looks thrown at him if anyone were to find out the two males were dating.

"us holding hands is going to make others uncomfortable? many couples hold hands, it's not like we're doing anything odd."

"we, hyung, are odd, at least in the eyes of others, not everyone is willing to accept the fact that people can like the same sex."

"so that's your problem huh?" taehyung was annoyed at this point. jeongguk was right, not many people are ready to accept change, but he's not going to let that stop him.

the older dragged jeongguk to the center of the coffee shop, still holding his hand. "excuse me, yes, sorry for disrupting you all." everyone's eyes were on them, and all jeongguk wanted to do was runaway and hide.

"this here, is my very beautiful boyfriend," taehyung continued, "and he is embarrassed to display our affection for each other, because of you all. why? well, he thinks you will be uncomfortable with our relationship," making sure to emphasize uncomfortable. "well if you are, you shouldn't be disgusted at us, but yourself. love is love, and there should be no rules for it. people can love whoever they want, and if you want to judge, go ahead, we don't care, just don't try to stop us. thank you for giving me your time."

taehyung dragged the shocked jeongguk back into the line. nobody moved, everyone was shocked at taehyung's sudden speech, but no one dared to disagree. there was, of course, some people who were disgusted, but they had decided on not showing it to the young couple. one man and woman decided to leave with their kids. after a minute, people resumed what they were doing, including the employees.

"see hyung, that family left because of us. why'd you do that?" jeongguk whined, still trying to break free from the older's hold, but soon stopped struggling as there was no use.

"to prove a point. were we kicked out? no. were we yelled at? no. are we getting any disgusted looks right now? no. that family may have felt uncomfortable, but they left quietly with out causing any problems, it was there personal preference, and no one did anything about it. they don't care, and we shouldn't either."

slowly, the line moved along, and it was finally the couple's turn to order. the cashier's, the same boy as yesterday, smile grew wider as he saw the two of them.

"welcome to sweet sugar coffee shop, what would you like to order today? we have our omelette couple special, it's very delicious."

since when was there a couple speacial? jeongguk thought. he has come here to eat breakfast many times but it was never on the menu. there was only a couple special drink they served.

"oh great, we'll have that," taehyung said, taking out his wallet, ready to pay, but the cashier gave them their bill before he could.

"it's on the house, the couple special is served directly to your table" he said flashing a smile, "and mind staying back a after the place empties out?"

they both nod, confused at what the shorter is saying. they both muttered out a thanks and went to their usual table, waiting for their order.

"that was odd. never have i seen someone get their food served to their table," taehyung said, resting his chin on his hands.

"maybe they're going to tell us to never come again, but they got to be polite about it. i mean why else would he ask us to stay?" jeongguk was now fiddling with his hands, was he really going to be banned from ever entering his special little coffee shop?

they sat at their usual table, and soon after, another short male came in with their food, setting it on the table.

"hello, i'm sweet sugar's pâtissier, i hope you enjoy your food," the man said with a smile, one that showed the top of his gums. the two younger gave a slight bow and a thank you.

they both began eating as soon as the man left, going back into the kitchen. jeongguk took small tiny bites, like the little bunny he is, but truly, he was just nervous about what was to come. taehyung noticed, and decided to take matters into his own hands. he cut a big chunk of the omelette, taking it with his fork, and leading it to jeongguk.

"say ah," taehyung stretched out the ah, holding the fork near jeongguk's mouth.

"wh- hyung, i'm not a little kid," jeongguk said, but taehyung still didn't lower his hand.

"you're little nibbles say otherwise, and quick eat it, my arm is hurting," taehyung said.

jeongguk let out a sigh and ate the egg taehyung offered. soon after another one followed, and another, and another. jeongguk wasn't really in the mood to stop taehyung or argue with him, so he kept on eating every bite he was fed, until jeongguk noticed that more than half the omelette had gone into his mouth.

"hyung, that's enough, you need to eat too!"

"but feeding you is a lot more fun, and i am eating, see," taehyung replied, grabbing some egg and swallowing it up.

"that was literally your third bite, i'm full. you better eat the rest."

"feed me, i fed you," taehyung said with a smile, opening his mouth wide, motioning to feed him.

jeongguk let out a playful scoff, "no way, i never asked for you to feed me."

"you ungrateful brat," taehyung curved his lips into a pout.

"stop being such a baby and eat," jeongguk let out a laugh.

taehyung smiled, happy that he was finally able to make the younger smile again. "fine fine, you eat too, what happened to never saying no to free food hmm?"

"oh whatever, just shut up and eat."

my fic is set in korea i guess? well it's probably not going to be very accurate but i'll try. anyways, i've read many ffs that take place in korea but the matter that same sex dating is not very accepted there was never mentioned, so i thought of adding it into this. i'm still contemplating if i want to bring namjin into the fic??
alsooooo, yoonmin is coming very soooooon
(they probably won't play as big of a part in this fic but yh)
bye <3

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