01: Life of an Otaku

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V
Being a die hard-fan of anime, mmhn.. a lil' bit of K-pop fan too, I sat on my sweet chair, in front of my dear monitor, gearing up to work as an effing otaku. My daily works? Well, of course that doesn't need to be asked, I binged watch anime for more than 12 hours... Amazing right? Yeah no. I need to get a life rather than spending my time-- On second thought, whatever.... this is my daily routine and it's life.

What to watch next?? I continued to browse the internet.

As long as I have remarkable good grades and satisfy my family with it, then I can do whatever I want without my parents bothering about it. I grinned cheekily as I ate the snacks my mom has prepared for me.

My life is a total balance... I have many friends but a few of them are my most trusted and real friends....about six of them or more...and..... Okay it's not really interesting to keep babbling about my life now like a cliche shoujo heroine. =.=

Let's talk about my anime crush .....Killua as I stared on his gorgeous posters sticking on my bedroom walls with the other animes. \(^_^)/

"I miss him...." I began to sulk, remembering that hunter x hunter wasn't resuming quite good in manga. How long will it take?? I swear to God, Togashi needs to get better soon... T-T


"Hey you! You don't even have screen time on the current manga..." I started to talk to him like a usual delusional otaku. "How can I stop from loving a frickin anime character??! From loving you! Why can't you just be real?!" I pointed at him, literally scolding an anime poster.

"SHUT UP YOU ANNOY ME, WEEB!" My brother barged in.

"SHUT UP LOSER!" I argued back.

"What was that, ugly?!"

"You're also a weeb admit it!"

"Well yeah.. But not worst like you!"

"Huh?! Wanna do it??" I stomped my way towards him, wearing an insulting smirk.

"Bring it." He grinned wickedly as we clashed heated glares.



"You suck idiot!!" I randomly pressed the controllers, as my body sways in motion with the game in reflex. "Hah! You noob!!" He laughed triumphantly.

In the end... I lose in the stupid game.

"Whatever. I win in real life anyways." I threw the controllers on my bed.

"Huh?? What was that supposed to mean?!"

"Nevermind. Keep it low or else I'm gonna record you acting insanely stupid." He mockingly sticked his tongue out before leaving my room.

"Stupid brat!!" 💢

He left my door open....

I groaned in irritation, slumping down on bed as I took my iPad under the pillow.

I need to get my mood back.

Two Worlds: One Fate [Killua x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now