86: Girl or Nah ?

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Third Person's P.O.V
Only three days remains before the war.

The daily activities and their own personal business were boring them off so their minds can be random at times.

It was just for curiosity, and girly bonding as an excuse.

Either way, it'll be fun.

The girls opted for a group shower inside their exclusive bathroom.

All was planned though.

A confirmation that needs to be seen.

"Alluka, come on." Tin pulls her hand like a responsible mother who's about to wash her kid.

"Okay~" She follows, humming.

Alright. Yukarin and (Y/n) thought, mutually thrilled. Both of them knew about the fact that Killua has only brothers in the family but he treats Alluka like a little girl.

"Killua, your hair is getting long, don't you think we should cut it?" Gon suggests, fetching a drink. He just finished working out his body by the corner of the living room as he made plenty push-ups with one finger.

 He just finished working out his body by the corner of the living room as he made plenty push-ups with one finger

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"Yeah. It made me look hotter but it's literally hot on the nape so I'll trim it." The albino admires himself on the mirror then noticed his sister turning quite popular among the ladies. "What's up?" He looked over his shoulder.

"Duh. It's girls' privacy." Yukarin rolled her eyes, entering the bath.

"With Alluka??" He twitched a brow.

"Well she's you're sister... so? Any problems?" (Y/n) gave a brief glance before stepping in lastly, shutting the door locked.

Killua didn't gave a reply, for he's giving her the cold shoulder. The stubborn male made himself clear yesterday— Strictly no talking until she withdraws her plan.

~ ~ ~ ~

The cunning females started stripping themselves, discreetly checking Alluka's body while she obliviously removed her garments.

They can be just frank and ask Killua and Alluka about her real gender but there's a certain force field that kept them from crossing the line blatantly. It's better this way, that's what the three instilled in their minds.

"Eh? Why do you have a swimsuit underneath?"

"Am I not allowed? It's cute and I haven't used it." She grins, entering the shower booth before their eyes could even land on her bottom part.

"T-that's not what I mean.. Who wears a swimsuit when you're just taking a bath? We're not swimming." Yukarin opens the shower's transparent glass-door, joining in.

But Alluka was facing them with her back and the area started to steam because she went for a hot shower, slightly fogging their view.

"I was about to invite you all for this even if by chance you guys haven't called me. But it's perfect since we all have the same idea." She starts to glide the soap all over her slender body, foaming her fair skin with bubbles. "Knowing I'll be bathing with you all, I'm not comfortable with getting nude.. sorry." She expressed sheepishly.

Two Worlds: One Fate [Killua x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now