34: Traitor

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Third Person's P.O.V
"(Y/n)!! How long are you gonna cooped up in your room?!" Her mother furiously bangs her door. "I allowed you to be absent for two days since you don't feel well.. but it's time you get your ass in school! Your midterms are coming up! then it's summer... So please just a little patience."

"She's heart-broken, mom." Andrew slips his tie around his collar then pulls his bag as he headed downstairs.

"What?! Since when did your sister dated someone?" She places her hands on her waist, arching a brow, disgruntled.

"You didn't have to spout stupid sh*t, you brat!!" The aggravated girl finally opens her door, scowling badly.

"Huh?!" Her brother retorts from below.

"No one curses in this house, young lady!" Their mom scolds. "Come eat breakfast with us.. if you still feel sick." She sighs, favouring her daughter once again after seeing her pale expression.

"Later.." She slams her door shut.

"Hey!! How dare you shut it on my face! I'm your mother!"

"Sorry! I unconsciously closed it too hard! I feel emotionally unstable right now so please talk to me later! I promise to come out!"

"She's really acting like she's experiencing a break up. When I was her age, I'm the one dumping boys.." She mumbles to herself.

"Hey weeb!! Stop stressing out mom! You're already fully healed anyways! Or do you wanna get back in the hospital?!" He storms up, kicking her door open.

"Shut up! Don't talk to me!! I hate you!" The stubborn lass bundles herself under her covers.

"Stop being childish, you're older than me!" He pulls off the sheets.

"It's your fault! If you didn't left your stupid laptop, he wouldn't find out!" His sister pushed him off, making him stumble.

"...I intentionally left it for him to see."


"You.... How dare you?! Why would you do that?!" Failing to take in the shocking betrayal, (Y/n) infuriatingly springs off her bed as she hits her brother with anything she could grab on.

"The risk is worth to take... Look, you're not being transported there for days. Isn't that a good result? Cut the bullsh*t and just be thankful. You should be happy I brought your days to normal, or would you rather stay with him? Don't be stupid!!"

(Y/n) fell back in disbelief as grimace starts to mark her face dark. "Even so.... That idea's cruel! You should've asked me for permission! You're the one who said we shouldn't expose him the truth!... So why did you suddenly decide this all by yourself?! This wasn't a stupid game where you just casually explore routes! You've hurt him!! Traitor!"

"What's the big deal?! Don't be all dramatic now." He scoffs. "You should be more concerned for yourself. He's not even real."

His last words snapped her heartstrings.

"It's just abnormal... A taboo. Are you not fucking scared of the unknown and horrifying consequences it'll bring to both our worlds? Plus, you almost fuckin died. The sooner we end it, the better. Fuck your romance or whatever you consider it-"

"Get out!! You're the worst brother!" She clenched her teeth and slapped him in the face.

While the siblings scuffled for a certain thing, the clueless mother from the sidelines couldn't afford to stay silent anymore. Although she didn't understood a single word from their almost theatrical dialogues, she was crossing her arms throughout their whole argument, preventing her boiling anger from spilling and stirring bigger surge into their already messy conflict.


That one powerful word ceased the fight.

"Andrew, just go to school... And (Y/n), I'll have a word with you.."

~ ~ ~


"Tell me, did you have a lover?" She sits beside her daughter on the bed.

It didn't even reached a week in (Y/n)'s world but it was months from the other side...

That was already a lengthy period of time to spend moments with Killua..

"It's over.." She replied with a monotonous tone.

"(Y/n).." The parent approaches in a soft manner, holding her hand. "Was your brother responsible for it?"

".....not exactly but..." Her tears begins to gloss her eyes as it dripped down her cheeks.

"I don't know what Andrew did but he's not a complete jerk... You should forgive your brother and apologise to each other later..." She paused to sigh for a second then resumed. "Also, all you can do is move on if the guy you love chose to release your hand and let you go.." She pats her head, pulling the sobbing girl for a comforting hug. "I'll let it slip this time... The next time you get a boyfriend, introduce him to me.." Her short oblique words, surprisingly liberated her child. "It's hard to find the person you're fated with.. and you're not even supposed to look for him because he'll eventually gravitate towards you... One day, you can tell it's him when you guys crossed paths.... For now, focus on your studies and let fate do its work. Life goes on even when you get hurt so don't be hopeless.. You can do it, we love you... Mommy loves you." She gave a warm, genuine smile, caressing away her daughter's damp cheeks.

"Mhn.. Thanks mom. Love you too."

"Alright. Go have some rest." The mother rose up and gave (Y/n) the personal space she needs, opting for a grocery shop.

To be continued....

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