41: Rivals

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Yukarin's P.O.V
So.... for some reason, I've gotten into a sticky situation where I'm currently meeting with this weird, masked girl who got my personal number from Killua...

I sipped my coffee, eyeing the nervous one.

"So uh... who are you again? The Zoldyck siblings personally appointed you to me." I smiled the awkwardness away.

"Y-Yuu— That's what they call me. Please don't ask for my personal background. It's not important. I'm here to tell you that I'm the person Killua's been yearning in his sleep." Her fingers are shaking even as she lifts the spoon, digging her sliced cake that she didn't intend to eat.

The blunt response got me shocked but I shrugged it off. "That's fast... but now that you're here, Killua should be finally alright." My gaze remained stern.

"He should be after awhile. The both of you don't have any reason to cool off... You should be by his side." Her tone suddenly sounded confident as she stopped fidgeting.

"Aren't you very thoughtful?" I chuckled in sarcasm. What an obnoxious person.

"It's necessary for you guys to get together." She smiles. It's as if she's intimidated by me. Now I feel mutual.

Necessary you say..?

"If you may, I'm his girlfriend so I have the right to know why he's been calling for you— what was it again? Seems like we're having trouble with remembering your real name... How are you related with him?" I gripped the handle of my cup. "Please put me at ease. I might consider you as his ex... I'm sure you understand."

"Sorry, I'm not allowed to answer personal questions just like I said."

The longer we talk, the heavier the atmosphere becomes.

"Basically, you're just here demanding we don't longer need space? Isn't that insensitive? It's our own problem. We cooled off to refresh both our hearts and minds so why are you being pushy?"

"I told you, it's necessary."

Combusting sparks were slowly turning visible from our glares as we try to maintain a civilized conversation.

I released a long sigh.

"Oh well. Killua told me I'm the only girl he ever loves.. I'm sure you're not some past lover.."

"Mhn... Who knows. I know you have gotten the clue that he's facing some kind of memory loss."

Got her. Looks like I can provoke her to get some answers. Judging from her reply, it seems that they have some kind of complicated bond.

Gosh, she's making my blood boil.

"Yuu, how can you heal him? I'm sure that question's not about you so I expect you'll answer properly this time." I tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"I don't know how to express it since it's not explainable."

"....Stop messing around." I brought the cup down with intensity. "I didn't knew he'd find you immediately just after we separated—"

"He didn't found me. It's me that found him."

"Are you a damn philosopher? Stop putting words imprecisely. You're wasting my time." I scoffed.

"Don't be impatient." Her eyes squinted at me.

"You're the impatient one."



"Please, Yukarin. He needs your love"


The only thing that's convincing about this unknown girl was the resolve in her eyes.

"Don't say it like that when you don't understand anything about us."

"That's true, I may not know your perspective but I know his very well." She placed an arm over the table, leaning close.

"Tch. You knew Killua very well you say..." Bangs hindered my view as I lowered my head. "Then tell me, how much does he love me?"

I raised my head and met her frustrated gaze.

"Yukarin, how much do you love Killua?"

"You know I'm doing most of the answering here..." I paused for a second. "I'd kill for that man." I threw her a dark gaze.

"That's passionate... but you know, I'd die for Killua." She replies, smirking underneath that mask.

I stood from my seat, grabbing my bag.

"Where are you going?" She blocked my path.

"Seriously... Stop acting like you're so f*cking important." I clutched the strap of my bag.

"Yeah, I'm that damn significant that you'll lose your place from Killua's heart if I desired to."

This woman... is she blackmailing me?!

"You should take all advantages from here while I'm still being considerate." She gave a catty statement, tapping me by the shoulder, dusting it off before walking out of my face.

"Quit fooling around, I'll fill his void by myself." Fire ignited in my chest.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V
After exiting the cafe with a graceful poise, I quickly dashed away from this place.

I can't believe I really played the rival role!!

That was embarrassing!

I didn't think I'd get to say lines like that from dramas...

Tho, I admit... we are rivals..


I still can't process it! I acted like a b*tch just to get her aggressive.

I stopped in an alley, panting from that run.

"Erm.. I'd lie if I said I didn't lose my cool... I'm his true love, okay. I need respect—"

"Yuu. How'd it go?"

Killua soundlessly lands in front of me.

"Ah!" I tripped to the ground. "D-don't startle me like that."

He must be spying us like a typical assassin. Please tell me he didn't at least listened to our private conversation.

"Seems like you bullied Yukarin." He raised a brow, tapping his foot suspiciously.

I gulped, standing upright. "N-no. Of course not. It's just a psychological stimulation."

"Really? You didn't say anything weird didn't you?"

"Yeah." I feel like a criminal, guilty of crime.

"Great." He pats my head.


"My bad." He pulled his hand. "I always pat Alluka so it sorta became a habit.."

"I... I have to go." I started to sprint but he grabbed my wrist.

"...uh.. Nothing. Be back before evening." He released my hand. "Don't think about escaping." He adds, glowering.

"I have some unfinished business with you and I can't leave anyways, unless I deal with it." I said then stormed away.

Fighting with a girl got me mentally, and emotionally strained..

To be continued....

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