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Third Person's P.O.V


"Having nightmares again?"

"Killua... you're back.." She checked the round clock by the wall. It's currently 11:30 pm.

"What did you dreamt this time?" He hung his coat then unbuckled his belt, snuggling with his wife on bed.

"What did you dreamt this time?" He hung his coat then unbuckled his belt, snuggling with his wife on bed

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(Y/n) took a sharp breath then shook her head, wrapping him into an embrace. "I suddenly don't remember the whole thing but... You were dying trying to save me."

He simply hummed as a reply.

"What? You think it's ridiculous? There's like a glass-like barrier in between us. We couldn't do anything but stick our hands on that stupid surface, trying to reach for each other." Sobs broke out of her. "I can't do anything but watch you getting killed on the other side. I was weeping, screaming, punching and kicking that damn barrier but it's just one kind of indestructible thing."

"Maybe I was the one who casted the barrier." He hugged her in his chest, genuinely consoling the trembling woman as he felt his shirt getting soaked with her tears. "If it's dangerous on my side, I'd definitely try to hold out that barrier to protect you."

"H-how did you- Right! I remember what I was screaming... I told you to dodge the attacks but you didn't budged and still shielded me with your body. I was really scared, I was gonna lose you. Your blood was dripping on the barrier and everything... You.. you.." Her arms were tightly secured around his torso.

"Did you watched gore stuffs again?" He tried to pull away but she wouldn't release her husband.

"(Y/n)... I want to take a bath. I'll be back okay? That's just a dream.."

"It felt real just like our dream links when we're apart." She sniffed, hugging him harder that he almost choked. "On behalf of my previous self and my fellow Killua fangirls, I'll love you like there's no tomorrow. Please... please.. Don't ever try dying. Don't die."

He snorted, patting her back. "You're gonna make me an immortal then? What am I gonna do with you? It's been awhile since you acted so submissive like this.."

. . .

The silverette was tantalized as he carried her inside the bathroom with him. "Still not going to let go?" He sighed. "Fine. Let's have a nice shower together."

Despite provoking her, she still hasn't loosened her hold against him.

"Seriously... I think you're still half-asleep. Allow me bring you back to reality then." He stripped her stark naked. "If you really want to hold me... Hold me like you mean it, (Y/n)." Killua smirked and started canoodling with her, locking the door then turning the shower on.

[A/N: Lemon without context Alert You've been warned.]

"If I'll die, I might as well die having sex with you. You're so tight"

Two Worlds: One Fate [Killua x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now