37: Love/Lie

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V
I strode by the pavements as I wander around in the meantime..

"Lucas!" I cursed under my breath. "He's supposed to meet me right now.. Oh no.."

My brows meets together as I turn agitated, running into the narrow alley.

The longer I stay here, the shorter time I'll miss out in my world... Hours here equivalents with an overnight/whole day there. Weeks and months equals into less than an hour in reality.

My goal is to return back within less than 30 minutes... That means I'll have to make it out here within more than months.

I stopped my tracks.



He's like the key to get back home...

I need him to feel something for me....

But if I do that, then I'll be wasting his efforts from regressing my mess. He even settled with his girlfriend... They're living happily now.

What right do I have to tear them apart?

Yukarin's P.O.V
"(Y/n).." He unconsciously calls out from his sleep.

That name again...

Losing the lovely mood, I got off from his bed, transferring to the living area as I relieve my frustration..

"I'm so stupid." I mumbled, grabbing my phone to switch my attention in it.

It must be like this when you're so enamoured of someone.. You don't even care about tricking your own belief.

I always pretended I'm the only girl in his heart which he truthfully loves...

"Yukaa." He turns awake from my absence, rustling the sheets. "Yuka, why'd you left me?" Killua puts his feet down, approaching me like a lonely kid.

"You've said her name again.." I honestly replied, smiling painfully. "I'm sorry for getting upset every single time... I can't help it." He was expressing a lot more desire for that name rather when he speaks mine.

"You know I don't know that name.... We've talked about this long ago.. about the strange void in me. That's why up until now... I was searching for the cure.. hopefully I'll naturally come across with it." Killua plops beside me, extending his arm around my shoulders, wrapping them secured as he leaned closer, trying to reassure me with the same reason. "Yuka, you're the only girl I'd exchange my life for just for the sake of your future.. not anyone else... not even for that (Y/n).."

This male isn't the type to say such flowery words, and when he does, that only means he's really sincere.

I brought down my phone, holding it on my lap.

"Killua, have you even heard yourself say her name? No, you haven't..."

His arm loosened around me.


"I've always endured for you but I think I can no longer continue this.." I stood.

"Oh come on. You're the only girl I've been with all my life! Have faith in me!" His expression melted into distress, standing after me.

"Did it crossed in your dense mind that maybe that girl is the one you've been seeking for all this time?! Yeah. You can't remember.. that's exactly why it makes even a lot more sense. Something happened that your mind can't recall but your heart remembers.."

We argued.

"You're saying that as if you're ready to throw me on that person! I'm in love with you so why are you saying that?!" He refutes.

"Are you also making yourself blind? I can't act normally like I always do... It's choking me! Was I the first one to let you know about that name? Or was it your sister?... Please Killua, I'm tired of hearing her name every night.. Find her please... end this whatever issue you have." I clenched my jaw, looking away. My feelings were insensitively spilling out like a dirty paint, tainting him with misery.

I don't like this at all... It wasn't my intention. Sorry.

"You know this damn issue you're casually addressing isn't light at all.." He chuckles wryly "I'm also suffering! Yet I'm still beside you! I chose you rather than bothering to confront that pain! Just you— You're enough for me."

I think it's time...

"Killua, I love you more than you even know.. that's why I'm telling you the truth. We're both struggling in this relationship... and it's clearly not working out, we'll both end up in despair if this continues. Find the mystery behind your heart while I sort out myself. Let's both complete what we're lacking.." Eyes are the windows of the soul. I looked straight into his deep ocean orbs that secretly held grief. I can't bear to look at his eyes but I still do, as I grasped both his hands.

"We've barely made it into 3 months. Why are you ending it like this?" He pulled me for a tight embrace. "Yuka, don't do this." His tone faltered. He was barely holding out his tears and so do I.

"Let's cool off..." I didn't bother breaking the hug, yet I didn't also bothered to return it. He was just hiding his expression at the moment by doing this so I let him.

I also don't want to separate from him...

but this is all for him...

"No way." He clenched his jaw. "For how long? Will it take days? Weeks?... Months??" His body trembled as he held me between his sturdy arms.

"Killua..." I pulled away. "It'll be okay. You'll be okay. Until we find it enough, then we'll settle this again." I picked my bag and hurriedly went for his door.



Killua's P.O.V
"What do you mean settle?! Whether we keep our relationship or not?!"

The door slammed close on my face.

She really left me.

My heart throbbed painfully that I can't even breathe right.

"F*ck!!" I lashed out to the nearby furniture, kicking it down.

"...What's the name she keeps telling me again??" I found my mind coiled into darkness. "Sh*t. Why can't I remember?! We just mentioned her name minutes ago— Tch. Why have I become like this?!" The longer this bothering feeling remained, the more I hated the mysterious cause of it. I wanted to remove it rather than confront it.

"Who the hell are you?!" I covered my eyes with the palm of my hand, letting tear drip down as I swallowed the awful lump in my throat.

"Whoever you are, please just come to me..."

To be continued....

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