51: 1st Test

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V
Waking up in this mansion wasn't so bad...

I stretched my arms and back like a morning routine.

The chamber was surprisingly well ventilated, unlike what I imagined it to be. Windows allowed friendly rays to enter as it scattered around the corners of this room, telling me to start the day.

Kikyo fetched us last evening to assign our own bedrooms...

It's like we're being treated as princesses. I mean, we get to enjoy luxury, despite being mere candidates. I thought we'll be temporarily held inside a cell or something until the tests ends....

I looked over my left shoulder, grabbing my phone from the small table to check. "As I thought... My cellphone's date and time wasn't changing ever since I got here." It was like this even from the whale island before tho.. I wasn't just really minding it coz whenever I come back to my realm, it starts to run back normally.

Alluka got to sleep in Killua's side, I assume. I better find them with Yukarin before the first test begins.

I hopped down and went straight to the bathroom.

"It doesn't feel right." Did I forget to do something? I felt off as I raised my left hand to fix my bed hair...

I peeled the black mouth mask from my face, setting that cloth aside.


"It's gone.."

I immediately rushed out and threw around pillows and bed covers as I search for the valuable thing.

"My bracelet's gone.." I looked under the bed, furnitures, and then pulled the empty drawers, checking inside, even though I knew it's not gonna be there since I never take it off.

Just what do I say to Lucas when I return home?!

My face turned to pale.

"Yuu! Did you prepared already?!" Yuka suddenly enters, witnessing my mess. "Do you intend to get disqualified without even taking the first test?" She picked the pillows, throwing it back on my bed.

"M-my bracelet's missing... I must've dropped it when we took their hot spring last night." I marched towards her, all panicked. "Please help me."

"Wow. The path's way far and creepy." She sweat-drops. "And what if it's not there? Finding it will take time... We might get punished for being late.." She sighs. "Here— I received this paper outside my door as well." Yuka considerately hands me the letter. "I was waiting for you by the corridor but you're taking too long to open your door." She pinched my cheek in irritation, marking it red. "They're summoning us outside. Location's not that specified. Anyways let's just go!"

"Erm.. well. Maybe y-you hid my bracelet.. B-because you don't like me..?" I mumbled, rubbing my cheek.

"What?!— Yes. I don't like you and so are all your possessions, so never accuse me for stealing something from you." She glares, offended.

"T-then... I'll just quickly take a shower." I reopened the bathroom door and witnessed that my mask's laying on the ceramic table.


I forgot..

I took it off minutes ago....



SHE SAW MY BARE FACE! I cupped my cheeks hard, shocked by the realization. WHY DIDN'T SHE SAID ANYTHING?!

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