76: Getting Rid of His Love

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Third Person's P.O.V

It's been a restless week...

The big hunting continues to track after the outsider like a natural shadow she couldn't completely hide nor run from.


"Yes, only you three. Alluka needs someone by her side throughout the tournament and I'm counting on you Gon." (Y/n) affixed a sincere gaze to Gon so the male couldn't help but feel dedicated from his task. Meanwhile, Alluka was starry-eyed, delighted to be with her crush.

"I made up my mind." (Y/n) concluded as the group stayed in rural inns. "Holding them in Heavens Arena definitely won't be forever. But I need you guys to directly take them down in one place so I could move freely on my own.. Anyways, when they get to me, their hopes would get crushed." She smiled.

"Mhn. I like that. Definitely my style." Yukarin sprawled on the couch, drinking her iced-lemonade.

"If you're allowing Killua, Yukarin and I to deal with the frontlines, then you must be very confident in our power... It's flattering me. I'm also in with the plan because if I smoothly brought down hunters, that means I technically passed the hunter exam. You also got our backs if we ever lose a match— I wouldn't lose though." Tin's excitement was visible in her smile as her will to enter the hunter's examination remained the same. Her bright expression reassured her boyfriend as Gon took her hand under the table.

"Proposing the battle to the mass would be easy. We just have to steal a broadcasting station for a minute. Leave it to me." (Y/n) smirked.

"Let's talk for a bit." Killua brushed his fringes up, breathing out a vexed sigh.

"What do you mean? We're already talking." (Y/n) replied.

"Personally." His narrowing gaze dragged her out with him as he beckoned her to step out the place.


~ ~ ~

"Was conserving energy useless? What's on your mind?" Killua asked as both sat atop of the building's roof.

"I tried meditating and stuffs, figuring out how to get in the boundary of dimensions... Unfortunately, having this invincible power wasn't enough to take me there.." She scratched her head. "But I can't run out of ideas."

"You said we'd take cover so you could move freely on your own.. Are you jumping back your world from time to time now?" He scooted closer, keeping her from the chills.

"Yeah. Maybe I'll get to find solution from Andrew and grandma... or something by myself. Anyways I gotta try everything.."

"It still kinda hurts. That you wanted to be parted away from me badly." He chuckled mirthlessly.

"What do you think I'm doing to your world right now? I'm bringing chaos. Even if I stayed low and all, it's useless. Do you remember how I turned Gon's hometown into graveyard?" Her empty eyes still had that glint which Killua desperately clings unto— Wishing to be with the girl who gave him unconditional love once again.

"Hey. You're the victim here.." He wrapped his arm around her shoulders, making her lean on him as they watched the melancholic full-moon. "Yes, I remembered everything clearly. You're the one who's missing something here.. Do you remember who you were once before you got ruined?" His jaw clenched from frustration. "Because if you do, then you wouldn't be like this..." His cheek was pressed against her hair, turning a bit as he gently kissed the temple of her head.

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