72: Worldwide News

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V
"Thanks for being our watch-guard last night. We slept peacefully for once." I slapped his arm lightly, grooming myself in the bathroom with him.

He finished brushing his teeth then ruffled my bed hair. "You're the strongest but you're just a normal girl once you sleep."

"You came from a family of assassins, watch my back will ya? I'm already experiencing too much anxiety." I faked a pout.

Killua scoffed. "About Gon, we finally had our long call after weeks. They're arriving soon."

They're? He's definitely with Tin.... I closed the faucet, patting my freshly cleansed face with a small towel.

"Good, we'll have them pay our overnight stay in this hotel." I smirked. "We escaped empty handed after all. Did you left anything there? I can transport back and get it back for you." I brushed my teeth.

"I didn't, but you did. Get back your lost feelings from Milluki... As I thought, that shit head needs to pay for what he's done to you." His wet, bare body made me glance at him while his naked muscles stiffened as he dried himself.

I don't have feelings for him but girls will be girls. Can't get tired of seeing that well built body.

After getting the morning routine done, I faced him. "What's lost is lost. Forget it. I'll get your valuable things. You need your hunter license and stuffs right?"


He didn't even had the chance to speak as I sent myself back in the horror site.

I briefly walked right in their mansion, quickly fetching Alluka, Yukarin and Killua's belongings like a darting ghost.


"Hey. Take care, kid." I coincidentally bumped with Kalluto along the path.

He was about to say something but I already grasped the news in his mind so I left at instant, delivering their personal items back in the hotel.

Again, before Killua could even utter a word, I shoved the bags on him and gave him prompt instructions. "Get the sleeping girls ready.. We're leaving. Tell Gon we're meeting him in the plaza near the heavens arena."

"Oh and...  let me feel your abs." My tongue slipped but I couldn't care less. "There's no connection but I used to crave for your body before. I'll do this for my past self." I feel like I'll be able to separate our fates completely soon.. So this is just me asking for requests I couldn't make before.

Wait... He must be tempting me though. How many times have I seen him shirtless personally?


"Stop being so abrupt and random." The perplexed male sighed in defeat. "I don't know anymore.." He brought the bags on the table before returning at me with flushed expression. "Obviously, I wouldn't permit that.. but... Tch. Hurry up and do as you please." He was drying his hair with a towel, shrugging off his embarrassment with every wring.

" He was drying his hair with a towel, shrugging off his embarrassment with every wring

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Two Worlds: One Fate [Killua x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now