87: Hunting War

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Third Person's P.O.V
The deal was over when the sun rose from the east..

Its golden light was the signal for the hunting war to embark.

Alluka remained on the second floor of the tower. It was unfair on plain sight for this to be called as war as she viewed their small team outnumbered by an army of hunters.

Killua, Gon, Yukarin and Tin lined up in a row in front of the entrance with no plans nor whatsoever.

"Please win..." The silverette's sister prayed, clasping her trembling hands as she gazed at the four defending pillars.

The five days preparations were done as the Hunter association insured the safety of citizens by fully evacuating them out of the city before locking it down.  They've also harnessed the best military-force they could, to make up for the absence of hunter officials.

It will be an all-out direct clash, just like the meaning of the word war itself.

Everyone pitied the four teenagers— Knowing they were completely brainwashed into an obedient and durable robots, they decided to prioritize saving and sparing their lives rather than killing such exceptional youngsters who came from their known families.

"(Y/n). It's the last chance for you to surrender. We were ordered to take you dead or alive." One of the leading hunters was Yukarin's father. He spoke through the megaphone, scanning for the enemy. He didn't care about his daughter, honestly— Yuka was branded as black sheep in their family since birth.

"I'm warning you in her stead." Yukarin steps forward herself, raising their hostility. "Engage the war and stop speaking." She looked at her parent like he's a mere stranger.

The next seconds were nonchalant and too cruel as the important figure didn't even spare her a glance, and just kicked her off the way.


"Nice try." She sighed, dusting her shirt, unscathed from the extremely fast and heavy attack. "You've seen the videos around... The tournaments I've faced in the arena.. and the fact I've also fought with (Y/n)— Her first battle was with me. Why is that you still look down on me?"

Those words were her last act of formality before they quickly exchanged fists— A pure yet intensive hand-to-hand combat which almost literally formed two clashing whirlwinds.

Yet eventually, both paused, and panted.

"That was satisfying." She smirked, successfully inflicting pain on him for the first time.

"Tch." He noticed his knees bent from receiving her last punch.

Even though they took their time, the small and personal tussling didn't disrupted the formation of both sides.

"Fine. I'll acknowledge you after you survive this war." He walked towards his allies but was blown away when (Y/n) landed behind him like a sudden comet.

The awaited and most intimidating villain finally came in the scene after jumping down from the very top of the tower, overwhelming the people with her drastic energy, telling them she's more than a hundreds of army.


Pro and veteran hunters didn't flagged as they quickly got on with their posts and positions.

"Everyone ready?~" (Y/n) breaks the cold ice with her gleeful smile like a harmless teacher, ready to teach her students some short lesson. Deep inside, she thought it'd be troublesome to deal with combination attacks of well teamed groups because she's still handicapped by her conflicted mind and heart.

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