43: Unpleasant Dinner

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Alluka's P.O.V 
"Yukarin!!" I left whatever I'm doing to greet her with brother by the living room.

"Alluka! Great to see you back!~" She caught me in her arms.

"I really like your scent~" I purred.

"Eh? Don't make me blush. Your brother's gonna get jealous at me. He got some siscom after all." She laughed.

"What?!" Onii-chan scowls.

I giggled, they're such a treat for my eyes. Couples like them are really endearing.

"Where's Yuu??" I asked, scanning behind.

"She'll be back before evening." He scratched his head, removing then placing his jacket on the hanging rack.

"Why don't we cook dinner together?" Yukarin smiles, entering the kitchen.


I took a short glance at onii-chan and noticed that his eyes were strangely dull— The look he always had whenever he's left alone by himself.

He's still the same as before...

I thought when he met Yukarin, he'll turn perfectly fine. I thought she was the solution...


(Y/n)'s P.O.V
My stomach was growling in hunger. It was evening and I couldn't get anywhere except return to them.

I took off my shoes, placing it on the shoe-rack and noticed that there was another pair of flats. 

"Yuka nee-chan, I'll set the plates ready!" I heard Alluka's cheerful voice.

I discreetly peeked in the dining room with my puffed, and redden eyes which just cried.

The scene squeezed my already tightening heart. They were like a perfect family and I felt unneeded, so I leaned behind the wall to bear with it.

"Mhn? Yuu? Are you home?" Killua felt my presence with his usual sharp senses, deciding to tread at me.

"She's back? Just in the right time. Let's eat dinner." Yukarin follows, carrying a vibrant aura, flaunting the fact that they're back together.

Cool. Now I feel even more sh*t.

"Are you okay?" Asked the person who's the sole reason for my condition. "You look extremely pale." He made a troubled face.

"Oh my... Did you cry?" Her concern wasn't genuine.

"Eh?? Yuu cried?? Why?!" Alluka came to hug me by the waist as I stood stiff.

They're really trying to put me on spot.

"Yeah. I cried." My eyes felt sore as I shifted my view at the side.


I bet she might attempt to expose me right now.

It was a split second of silence before one speaks up again.

"Why?" Alluka tugged the hem of my sleeve.

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