89: Her Observer

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V
After the short kiss, Lucas noticed the additional men by the corridor.

"Wow. Cosplayer?" He utters in shock, spotting the real life Killua.

I walked towards the albino who had a very cold expression, snapping him out of it by tapping his chest before sticking beside my brother.


Of course Lucas felt the animosity in the air but shrugged it off.. "Andrew? Fetching back your sister?" He adds, grinning at them like the usual refined man he is.

"Huh? I'm not her chaperone. Tsk." My brother scowls. "(Y/n). Let's go." He beckons.

"Wait." He pulls back my hand.

"Hey." Killua glared, cutting in.

Andrew was piqued by the complex scene, giving me a look.

[Is he cosplaying Killua to seduce her? Most people around this girl knows about her obsession for that anime after all. How irritating.]— Lucas

[He's too clingy. I personally want to cut his hand for touching her like that— Actually, I really want to cut off his head for kissing her.]— Killua

I read their thoughts. I could even hear the dark tone in their minds because of the enmity.

"What's wrong?" I tilt my head innocently, holding back his hand.

"You forgot your bracelet." He slides it on my right wrist.

"Aah.. Sorry. I'm such a klutz."

All my expressions were faked since there's no such emotion residing inside of me now. I never knew how tiring it was to move your facial muscles as a voluntarily act but I tried my best to look natural.

[This bastard. Did he placed another tracker? Should I just threaten him? I'll fucking do it even without her permission.]

I heard Killua's slipping thoughts so I gave him a hard look of 'don't even think about it'.

"Take care." Lucas smiles, allowing us to depart.

"See you at school tomorrow!"I waved.

"Are you feeling okay now?"


"Should I pick you up—"

"That's unnecessary." Killua butts in again.

"It'll be fine. Andrew's with me." I smiled.

"So, what're you doing here?" I glanced at Killua.

It's irrelevant to ask since it's all according to my plan-

But I had to just to keep things natural..

"Helping you like you did for us." He simply replied.

"I'm fine though." I gave him a half grin.

"That's bullshit. You can't even function normally anymore. You're like a robot, you can only think and act it as a response.."

Two Worlds: One Fate [Killua x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now