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(Y/n)'s P.O.V
I kicked the ground as the wooden swing raised me a bit higher, gently swaying me back and fort under this tall tree.

This view was the most relaxing place I've been so far. I could see villages from below as flowery meadows covers most of the terrain.

This island's a small paradise.

A day has passed after that terrible accident.


It's been 3 weeks since I came here...

Hopefully, time doesn't flow fast back in our dimension.

"(Y/n)... Is it okay if I accompany you here?" Gon asked, leaning on the tree trunk, bringing up certain books.

I'd like to be alone for now... but..

"Of course, Gon.."

My hands gripped the swing's rope.

He cleared a space on a well shaded area, sitting comfortably with his back on the sturdy tree.

We were having a smooth rest— when suddenly, the wind rises, flipping the pages of his books, rustling loudly with the grasses and leaves.

"Ah!" He reached for the small photo that flew on me.

It's the photo they took with Alluka before he came to see his dad on the world tree. "Here.." I smiled, returning it safely.

His soft-hazel orbs traveled on the bandages around my ankle, up to my arm before shifting his eyes on the photo. "Y-yeah.. Nice catch." He grins, taking it.

"Gon.. Do you love this place?"

"..I do. I really do." He answers my random query without any trace of hesitation.

I stopped the swing's motion, sticking my feet flat on the ground "Then... If I were to do something selfishly that could greatly harm this world, what would you do?" I smirked deviously

There was a small pause before he replies.

"The question is... Can you?"

I cleared my throat, bitting my tongue to keep myself from speaking further.

"S-so.. What're those books for?" I asked instead, rocking back this simple outdoor ride.

"Oh.. um.. I'm actually studying.... Mito-san insists.... I have nothing else to do with my state right now... so I'd like to spend my time like this, to figure out something I'd dream of for myself.... How 'bout you? What kind of future would you want to live for?"

He sounds surprisingly intelligent. Gon's certainly gonna achieve a bright future.

"I honestly have no idea." I laughed.

"Eh?" He snorts, laughing with me.

"Let me teach you how to dream big you guys."

"Killua!" We called, looking up above the tree.

He sits right on the firm branch where my swing's attached to.

Two Worlds: One Fate [Killua x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now