04: Spatial rift

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V
I swear I'm not delusional from last night...

My brother still talks about that weird episode... Every fan does...

"Ah this isn't good..." I didn't even had a wink of sleep....

My brain turned incredibly querulous, drowning and asking myself with different questions such as how and why, about logic and stuffs... trying to get answers last night.... And now.... My mind's thinking ability.....has reached its end.

"Hey, (Y/n).... What's wrong? You look awful..." My friend speaks, sitting in front of me.

If it's possible, I would like to stress myself about this matter on vacation cuz it's finally approaching.

I found myself groaning too much.

Going to school like the usual right after the surreal phenomenon had occurred in my life— I wanna shout it out! Brag it non-stop right now! And so on... But I have no proof... I'll just look like a big moron if I did.

I'm too worked up... Help!

"Uh... (Y/n)?"

I'm going to explode if I continued to keep this secret for myself. I breathed heavily, clutching my skirt beneath the desk while staring below, intensely.

"Hey! Earth to (Y/n)??" She waves a hand on my face, bringing me back to reality. "Oh.. erm.... Well.... I just didn't had enough sleep." I sheepishly smiled, raising my head to pay attention.

"Obviously... Like the usual... Geez. You should refrain from binge watching an entire anime seasons. Tho...You never really fail to amaze me on how you keep up and maintain your honors." The good friend whined, concerned. "We even have a quiz today, first subject, math." She reminds.

I gasped in terror. "Damn it... I have no mood for solving equations..." I muttered, running a hand through my hair. Right now... What I need is sleep.

I don't regret anything about last night though... But if I spent the entire night watching animes, I'll totally hate myself again.

"Fuck this shit-" I mumbled to myself.

Oh God.. Someone help me.

"I'll just use the restroom." I casually informed her.

She gave me a nod as a reply while I rose from my seat, checked my locker, then went to the ladies room.

"I don't remember the last lesson." Trying to pull myself together, I splashed cold water on my face, staring at my reflection from the wide mirror. "There's still ten minutes before time. I'll review 'till the last minute."

I turned off the faucet, drying my face with the spare face-towel from my locker then began to walk towards the door, twisting it open..


And what I saw, is a complete different place.


I closed the door and re-opened it.

Aw Crap.

Now my mind's playing tricks on me. I rubbed my eyes, blinking several times to completely wake myself up.

"Hey! towel woman! You're back."

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