14: His Intuitions

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Gon's P.O.V
What's that noise?

It's morning already..?

I stretched myself awake then dragged myself out of the bed to find for the source.

It came from our guest room..

That's where (Y/n) is....

I wonder what she's doing early in the morning?

"Ugh... Killua.. I c-can't—"


They continued to huff relentlessly.

"Just a little more..."

"I'm at my limit..."


What's this?

I turn hesitant from opening her door for some reason.

I clutched my chest from feeling a weird stimuli.

"Not yet. You gotta get used to this..."


"But it h-hurts... K-killua.. I'm tired... I'm all wet."

I gotta s-stop whatever is h-happening...

My shaky hand slowly reached for the door knob.

"Psh.. You're so weak. Gon and I does this all day."

"K-KILLUA! STOP!" I finally barged in.

. . . .


"W-what're you guys doing..?"

They paused from doing the certain activity by the floor.

"Conditioning her body." He casually answers.

"Aah.. I see.. erm G-goodmorning." I replied, stuttering.

"Gon, what's up? Are you sick? Your face is all flushed." Killua asked, releasing her knees.

"I can't anymore..." She mopes, shrivelling. "Gon help me.." She crawls towards me.

"Baka! You can't even complete 50 sit-ups!" He slaps her leg.


"I... I didn't know you guys are in this kind of relationship.." I slowly backed away.


"...kind of relationship?"

. . . .

"What?! N-no way! You got it all wrong!"

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

"What?! N-no way! You got it all wrong!" Says Killua who chased after Gon.

They're so energetic.

I lay my back flat on the ground, cooling down after receiving a surprise exercise.

He's serious about my training...

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