67: 5th Test pt. 2

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Third Person's P.O.V
"How fun." Illumi muttered under his breath.

"I see your thoughts.... your past..." (Y/n) circled around her. "You were someone Killua was supposed to protect and since you're gifted, he also taught you nen... No wonder you're so strong. He was your teacher. Now he's a double star hunter by chance."

Yukarin just idly stood in the center while the rest behaved themselves like audiences, thirsty for action.

"All those time you spent with him... it was supposed to be mine." (Y/n) stood upfront of her, pushing with the provocation as she tried to get things more heated. "Reading memories are fun but yours are ugly."

"Oh please, my memories are his too. You call it ugly but at least I had these events with him, you salty bitch." Yukarin sneered, removing her white gloves and violet tie as she popped 3 buttons, loosening her outfit— Gearing for a death match.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V
"He had longer moments with you so why'd he choose me? A fickle man. Why don't I test him?"

I scattered my eyes around as my heightened senses automatically picked additional thoughts aside from the family. Their thoughts and well hidden bloodlust lurked outside the chamber— Exceptional butlers came to plot the Zoldycks' original plan.

I'll pretend I didn't know that. I'll let them run free for awhile.

That explains why the butlers Yukarin took care off were bunch of averages. I thought it was suspicious but they are indeed up to something....

Before Yukarin could even channel out her nen spirit, I stopped time and froze the dimension. Why I'm not surprised? I mean, I just synced the timelines of two different worlds earlier.

I grabbed Yukarin's shoulder, dragging her to the massive windows. "Which direction are the testing gates..?" I hummed, scanning the landscape. "There it is."

"Have a safe trip." My strength skyrocketed as I gave my best shot and launch her far out of the mansion.

Time flowed normally and the girl was nowhere to be found in the room.

In a blink of an eye, Yukarin was gone.

They instantly searched for the missing candidate, until a sudden, loud tremor shook their entire domain as the girl terribly crashed in the gates like a strike of meteorite.

Even their thoughts were in a funny synchronisation as they processed the scene.

"Yes. It was me. I made her fly all the way there!" I grinned, placing a right hand over my eyes to find for my opponent. "She's not gonna die from that right? *ahem* Sorry for ruining your historic testing gates... How much does it costs?"

"You've got to be kidding me!" Milluki checked the cameras, trying to rewind the footage. "What?! It didn't catch anything! The action's crazy damn fast. How did Yukarin suddenly got blown away?!"

"The next thing we knew is that the window's shattered before the great crash occurred. It's like time has leaped or fast forward." Zeno mumbled in pure astonishment while the others were still stunned.

"Yuka!!" Killua shouted, hoping for her response. "Yukarin..."

She won't be down from that. I caught Illumi flick a needle into her, seconds after he arrived with Kalluto. His entire family failed to notice that.

Damn Illumi... getting a lot more skilled than the Illumi I knew in anime.

"I'll go fetch her." I volunteered, glancing shortly at the eldest son, reading his mind.

Two Worlds: One Fate [Killua x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now