23: Festival

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Killua's P.O.V
Girls takes a goddamn hour to get ready.

As I enjoy my can of orange juice, Gon and I patiently awaits in front of a certain shop.

"Killua!~ Gon!"

Just about time. I flicked my watch.

Tin went to Gon and the two had a pleasant chat themselves.

I shifted my eyes on this fidgety girl in front of me.

What's with that get up?

"How do I look?" She twirled to show off.


The straw slides back in my drink as my lips loosened in awe.


"What's up? You're so on themed.. You wanna be the star of this festival? Let's go buy you an aquarium for the finishing touch." I teased instead.

"Wha— Don't be a prick! T-this yukata isn't mine you know! Appreciate the gorgeous style." She puffed her cheeks. "I-I'm not offended at all, but I should feel offended for Tin."

The four of us casually strode by the pavement.

Speaking of that girl...

She had a misleading scene with (Y/n)...

Nah. I witnessed wrong. It's nothing special. Just some weird accident.

I sipped the last drop of my drink

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I sipped the last drop of my drink. "You guys are getting awfully close. You've given her a nickname as well..."

"Erm.. About earlier— I just slipped out of clumsiness, stumbling atop of her. Sorry." She tilts her head low, allowing me to notice her fancy yet simple hair ornaments.

"I-It's not that I'm bothered... I'm not asking. I don't care so why should you apologise? Stupid." The can flew out of my grasp as I unintentionally threw it by the shore below.

"Killua! you shouldn't do that. We should be paying our respects remember?"

"Shut up. It's your fault." I clicked my tongue, staring below in guilt as the waters swallowed it away.

She didn't retort back but her brows furrowed for a moment.

Can this woman get even mad at me? She likes me so I doubt she can.

Two Worlds: One Fate [Killua x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now