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X's P.O.V
I was supposed to travel in various dimensions like my second nature...

But it's not bad to take a break for awhile...

"Holding hands, check." She wrote on her note.

Secretly watching (Y/n) is quite fun. I can't help myself but visit her.

Floating up her like a stalking ghost is enough for me.

"Hugging, check.." She keeps marking the list with her pen.

I tend to keep almost my whole life secret, but it's fair since I get to see someone's secrets easily like this..

"Are you seriously making a break down list about everything you did with Killua?" I whispered in her ear. She can't hear me anyways...

"K-kissing, ch-check." (Y/n) murmured, gripping her note.

"Pft-" I held my stomach as I laughed. "How long do you intend to record stuffs? She's adorable."

"Argh!" She suddenly rose up, startling me and the vase of bouquet by her table.

"I can't believe I didn't have the leisure to enjoy his moves back then because of my stupid power up bullshit! He slept with me that night, he carried me like a princess, he confessed, he protected me... he also provided me food, and some material necessities in their world." The flustered girl scratched her head, vexed. "And... H-he shed tears for me.."

You did more for him in your previous life, (Y/n)...

I crossed my arms, planting my feet down as I stopped elevating myself.

"I had many plans for him in my fanfiction. I'll score more next-time." She smirked and pumped up a fist, but her movement clattered her table as her books fell.

"Damn it. So clumsy of me." She sighed and picked her stuffs, organising it up her desk. "What's this?" She noticed the small note inserted in one of her sketchpads, reading the message with her eyes.

1.) By the time I come back, marry me.

With her soft expression, it made me want to peek in her mind.

"To completely erase each other's anxieties, why don't we just put our debts in our tab? List all the debts I should pay you back and I'll do the same for you."

So it's Killua's wish list. He only made a single wish though. And a BIG one.

They surely missed out a lot under all those circumstances...

"What the-" (Y/n) flipped around the piece of paper, trying to find more of his writings. "I can't understand this!" She slumped down her chair, raising the paper up her face as she let out groans.

"He knows I can't read their language... Is he teasing me?! I wonder what he meant?? I only remember him teaching me how to spell I love you in their alphabet. Well, I did teach him the same... and how to write our names. T-that's all..." She dived on her bed, moping. "Me and my flirty ass!"

"But it's his writing... I can't throw it." She mumbles. "I'll just ask him-" She clicked her pen, about to write on her arm. "No.. I made the rules... I can't break it. He'll always be the first one to contact..."

(Y/n) springs up and went back to her study table, keeping Killua's small note in the drawer. "Gotta adjust for Togashi. The manga fell behind now that Killua and Gon are currently both 17. Well, it's better than the other way around." She muttered and opened her phone, browsing their photos during his stay.

Two Worlds: One Fate [Killua x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now