56: Disaster

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V
My body was in a scorching agony.

Poison was coursing through my veins.

It's the second time I've encountered death in this realm.

But now... I think I'm actually dying...


It was too much to handle that I couldn't even let out a scream as I turn almost unconscious.

I just wanna pass out and escape the shooting pain.

"(Y/n)... Don't you dare fall asleep."

Whose voice was that again?

He sounded like crying...

Weak and limp enough to even struggle and spare energy, I still tried to lift my eyelids to look upon the person who called me by my real name...

With a face so pale and a body growing grey and cold, I parted my lips that felt crusty and numb... I tried to speak his name but no voice came out from my state.

How much does he remember?

"I know it's painful but endure it. Once we get there, it'll be gone..."

Killua seems to be cradling my body protectingly as he rushes us somewhere...

Again, my eyes began to feel heavy as I closed them back.

It hurts! Someone rip my body open and take this pain away!

This is horrible... Everything is..

If he remembers... shouldn't I be transported out now?

I held onto his shirt as tears welled in my eyes for two different reasons— The physical and mental pain, and the other one was his expression.

But this wasn't much of a nightmare than when when he found out the truth between our worlds.

"Blrgh! .." Blood splattered on his clothes as I achingly coughed this metallic taste.


My mind couldn't focus on one thing. This intense pain was stirring all the thoughts and emotions in me..

I can't help but lean and rely on him... just this time... just this once.

"(Y/n)... Where have you been all this time? Why do I have these memories with you? How did all get into this? Just what the hell happened?!"

It's a pity I couldn't gaze at his expression right now.. He's telling me words I wanted to hear...

Even though pain was dominating my senses, the warm sensation of constant droplets on my cheeks felt strangely clear upon my skin.

He was crying...?

"No more... (Y/n).. Just stay with me!!"

That was his last words before the poison consumed and wrack my whole being as I let out a yelp from feeling my veins explode within.

~ ~ ~


Killua's P.O.V
After Tin tried to kill her before....

What happened after that?

I lost my memories about (Y/n)... and I'm expecting so does all the persons she met in the past.

It's like all was taken back before (Y/n) and I could've even met, like we've taken a different route for another future where she's not included... and now she just suddenly returned...

But Yukarin already came into my life instead..


"She was my first crush... and she liked me."

"...I knew it."

Yuka and I had a heart-to-heart talk as we stroll through the beautiful woods in a late midnight.

"But I haven't confessed... nor accepted her feelings. So we didn't actually went out. You were my first girlfriend.."

"Correction... it's Ex-girlfriend."

I shortly gave her a glance before rustling my pocket, giving the gift she deserves. "It's not actually the right timing to offer you this but if I don't when will I? ..It's not that much but... Happy birthday, Yukarin."



"You didn't have to do this, you're not obliged and—"

"Just accept it. I gave it because I just wanted to..."

"Well then.." She halted and wore the sapphire stoned necklace. "Wait.. This design is almost similar with Yuu's lost bracelet— No way... Did you really have to steal her stuff for a reference??"

..... "I-I didn't steal it.. I just borrowed it."

"Killua, what about now? Do you still have feelings for her? Just tell me.. I can forfeit from this competition." She stared at me with misery in her clear velvet eyes.

"Your face is saying the complete opposite. Look, you don't have to because they'll definitely tear you apart as a punishment. You heard them say it.." I looked away as the wind brushed my silver fringes.

"Then what? If you're gonna deal with your family, deal with us too. Are you enjoying this love triangle? Just choose and don't worry about the consequences... we'll just figure out the problem later. Life gets messier if you're indecisive."

Blades of grass danced along with the fallen and rustling leaves.

"I mean it still doesn't change the fact that I fell for you and I still have. I'm just conflicted because I've regained my memories... Now I know why I've kissed her that night... to think I would fell for (Y/n) twice and didn't notice it for the second time... that's just.. I don't know what to say." I raised a hand to scratch the back of my head.

"Basically, you have feelings for the both of us right now and you're confused which girl you truly like the most?" She scoffed, walking faster as if she intends to leave me behind. "It's already clear to me though, when you shrugged me off to save her."

"I can't just let her die."

"I've been poisoned too you know... I know I'm strong but still... witnessing the man you love choose another girl as a priority... Never mind, you always haven't understood me.... Tests would be be put on hold." She smiled with a blank expression then left.


I'm just—

"Young master, it's a disaster. Lab section 4 was in ruins..."

A butler appeared to report. I wasn't even spared any time to loosen up.

"What? Why?!"

We sprinted off to our domain's secret facility.

"How about (Y/n)? How can you let this mess happen when she's inside!"

"...Young master, the disaster was created by (Y/n)."

To be continued....

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