24: First Trial

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V
Unnecessary conflicts kept arising out of nowhere. We just have to deal with Pariston, but now we have to face the side shows?

"What's a mermaid doing here?!" The three went to see the creature by the rocks while I remained in my spot, running my thoughts. Is a mythical creature appropriate?? Well... I'm in the anime universe.. so whatever...

I gathered another thought from the back of my mind.

About that goldfish seller...

"That does it."

The one who controlled the old lady was him...

He finally talked with me. Omg. Is he making a move? That's a bit scary.

I waved my hands up above, staring at the soaring skies, hoping to communicate with him. "Hey! Togashi!! Please stop this! I wanted to resolve the conflict so please don't make it worst!!" Well, I'm the one infiltrating his work...

"I'll test you out.."

He's talking with me again! Test? What does he mean by that?

"Right now, an international news came up. That concludes it. You're from here. The real world. I have many questions... "

What news?

Me too!! I have questions!

"Just act in accordance as I give out the trials. If you fail to show me what I needed, I'll eliminate you here. "

"You'll bring me out??"

"I'll have you eliminated for good since you're a threat."

"What?!" He'll kill me?! "Please dont. We'll come to you soon. Please wait for me. I'll help you fix everything. I'm so sorry, I didn't intend to get in your way. I didn't mean any of this!"

He's speaking the language in this world though— Maybe it's that auto-translate thingy?

"Also, what do you mean by trials and showing you what you needed? Can you tell me about it so I could flawlessly accomplish it?"

I waited for his response but nothing came.

Ok.. He's done..

"(Y/n)!! Who're you shouting at??"

"No.. Nothing. Never mind that!" I rushed to them.

"She's gone ballistic." The mermaid chuckles.

"(Y/n), she says she transformed into a human, disguising herself as a vendor." Tin explains.

"Why're you toying with us? Please get them back to normal." I solidly demanded.

"Because I feel like it~" she coed. "And because this silver haired boy threw garbage in my home." She must've referred to the can he flung accidentally earlier.

Did Togashi wrote this to happen?

"It was an accident. My hand slipped okay! You may be hella gorgeous but I'm far prettier than you as a girl." Killua bickers. "Turn me back to normal before I peel off your sparkly scales!"

"Brats~" the mermaid hissed.

"Alright. What do you want so we could get their bodies back?"

Two Worlds: One Fate [Killua x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now