32: 4th Wall Broken

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Author's P.O.V
"How did that girl knew my name, (Y/n)?"

"She has nen...." "(Y/n) told us lots about ....you." The girls answered simultaneously, confusing the albino.

"....." Andrew eats the ice-cream he bought for you, chilling by the corner while viewing the rare scene.

"I... I mean yeah (Bsf/n)." (Y/n) furrowed her eyes to her friend who just nodded like an idiot.

"Mhn... My nen's quite similar to hers. Also, (Y/n) tells stories about you yah know." She just complicated the explanation, overly exhilarated that her senses flew out of her brain.

"Ooh.. So this guy here also have the same nen quality? How odd." Killua refers to your brother.

"Yeah! The whole world knows you!" She keeps babbling without any thought— A pandemonium welled inside her.

"Huh?! It's still really weird to find strangers who knows my identity, and what do you mean by world? Is this a different realm?? Do every person in this place possesses that weird nen??"

"Uuh... My friend's joking. I'll explain it later, Killua.." You cursed under your breath, connecting your gaze to Andrew and expressing a clear message in your eyes. A distressed signal of Help.

"It's great to see you (Y/n), but... maybe you should've picked the right timing." He tilted his head, scratching his head. "What if you summoned me while I'm in the middle of a bath?"

Your eyes swirled, having trouble upon creating flawless lies.

"Sorry, but can you guys leave?.. My sister's a patient so stop crowding. You'll stress her out." He shoos the rowdy people away, acting like a good brother for once.

"What? I'm technically naked here. Take responsibility and give me some clothes."

"I brought my extra clothes in case I'd stay with you overnight.." Your brother sighs. "Here. Put these on." He flings his bag to Killua as the living fiction enters back the bathroom to change.

"I'm sorry, (Y/n). I'll... I'll step out for a bit and calm myself or else my mouth would run weird craps again..." She slapped her face. "Ouch! F*ck... So it's not a dream—Oh my gosh. Meeting him in person is too much for me." The woman rushes out.

Gotcha.. Now you feel me..

"Wai— Man, she's gone. (Y/n), let Killua stay over. Tell the nurses he's a close friend." He dropped his stuffs by the living room. "I'll just pick up something quick."

After the brief bid, your brother left as well.

"Thanks for the— They're gone.." Killua sweat-drops. "You guys really vanish fast. It's annoying."

They just literally went out. You thought, vexing.

"What's wrong? You look drowsy. Just sleep." He gently pats your head.

"Yeah. I took a pill 30 minutes ago. Must be kicking in now."

"Gon must be confused since I suddenly went missing but I'm sure he's fine... So uh... You don't have to send me back. I'll stay with you for a while."

Two Worlds: One Fate [Killua x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now