30: Intense Debate

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Killua's P.O.V
Tin got her..


"(Y/n)!!" I accelerated in godspeed, knocking out Tin unconscious as I shove her towards Gon.

"(Y/n).." I held her bloody figure with my trembling hands. Fear surfaced through my feelings, I can't lose her.

"It'll be okay.." She forms a faint smile as her body fades into nothing.

She's gone..... again... I'm beginning to feel tired from this pattern.


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"Gon. Hand her over." My mind completely shut down.

"(Y-y/n)... w-where did she.."

"It's probably her nen ability..." I draw closer, sharpening my fingers into razor pointed claws. I have to kill Tin... She's now an enemy... She'll harm us in the near future... She lost it.. Taking her life is the only way to save her soul..

"Killua.... don't do this please.." He dared to protect a friend that betrayed us, carrying her behind his back.

"You truly are a nice guy.. But you saw it.. She hurt (Y/n).. And now...  how could I know (Y/n)'s condition now that she's gone? The only thing that could ease my mind right now is eliminating that girl." I growled as my thirst for blood grew. "Give it up. You're no match for my godspeed."

"You'll regret your decision that's why I'm stopping you. Let's figure it out. (Y/n) will come back... that's why.. until then let's keep Tin alive.." His eloquent words shone light in my corrupted state.

Gon... you never fail to bring me in a right path.

"....alright." I mumbled, bangs covering my eyes. "I'm sorry. You should be the one breaking down at this point... So why do I suddenly—" I held my head in distress.

"This island.. Mito-san... and the people... were done for." I uttered in despair, gazing at Gon who finally let out a miserable cry with Tin's body. I couldn't even find the rightful words to comfort him when all turned out tragic.

How could all these happen within a day?

Gon lost everything in a blink of an eye.

My friend sobbed, grieving with his heart. "We should move." That's the only thing I could say after I pulled him for a brief yet emotional hug.

~ ~ ~

Author's P.O.V

Your brother heard some unusual sound from your room so he quickly came, expecting for your return.

The assaulted female cripples by her carpet.

Two Worlds: One Fate [Killua x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now