58: Reborn

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V
Heat pulsated through my palm...


I woke up to see his face leaning on me as my fingers twitched. He was holding my hand with a subtle expression.

"Killua?" I muttered in a rasp voice. I felt so exhausted like I just woke up from a long battle, yet I was levelheaded at the same time.

Memories from that night flowed naturally in my brain as I begin to remember what they've done, and the sin I have committed.

"I'm a murderer... What's going on with me?"

"You remembered? I thought you were subconsciously doing it..?— Never mind. Leave it." He caressed my cheek, tenderly. "You're not a murderer... You only did what was right... I'm sorry.. Everything's my fault."

It was supposed to be a traumatizing experience yet I don't feel any tragic emotion about it.

He was so close but my heart and mind felt nothing. I was detached from something... There was no affection.

I pushed myself up from the bed as I noticed visible bruises sticking out of his wrists despite of him wearing long sleeves.

"Let me see your arm." I sternly demanded, holding back his hand.

"...You have to eat. You'll have to take medicine afterwards to make sure the poison's gone."

"Don't try to change the subject. I just wanna confirm something." I immediately pinned him down my bed. He winced in return as I lifted his shirt, unveiling his fresh deep cuts, swelling bruises and terrible marks covering his whole torso. "You got beaten horribly."

His family went too far....

"You have no time to worry about me, but thanks.... Why didn't you let the maids treat your wounds?... or Yukarin?"

There was nothing else except sympathy.. 

My mind was aware that my emotions have gotten abnormal but what can I do when I'm being too casual and calm about it like it's nothing.

I've never been so candid about straddling and sitting above him. Surprisingly, Killua wasn't shoving me away too.

He looked by his side as both of my hands rested upon his pounding chest.

"Tell me how far did you remember about us.." I laid on top of him, testing out myself.

Killua only remained stiff and silent.

Normally, I would've been too flustered. I couldn't ever be this bold... Laying on him was an extreme move.

Thoughts like these bombed my mind but there was no panic. It was all dry.

I can't feel it...


It's missing...

My romantic feelings for him....

It's gone...



"How long was I unconscious?"

"Four days." The silky sheets were brushed by his arm, trying to scoot away.  "Anyways... kindly stop acting.. um.. like this.." He was the first one to show sensitivity as his face went flushed as hell. I can literally feel his heart jumping out.

"I failed the test then.. Will they punish me hard?" I hovered above him, trying to see his reactions as I locked an eye contact. His face is really the best— The most handsome man alive. Even if my romantic feelings for him were lost, I should've undoubtedly fallen for him again by just gazing at his defined, well proportioned face.... I mean who could've not?

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