80: Linking Bodies

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Killua's P.O.V
>In His Dimension<

For once, Leorio and Kurapika contacted us from witnessing the hysteria on medias— Specifically about holding a tournament to all hunters, luring them easily as they thirst for (Y/n)'s head.

Those two are making big steps as they replaced Ging and Pariston's position.

Gon and I chose to tell the truth to our best-friends, that she's a friend and we have a plan. Upon hearing our determined sentiments, both were willing to help decrease the chances of (Y/n) getting killed.

Kurapika also informed us that there's a hunter with them which transports back people in the city so we're in a disadvantage if the whole council decided to eliminate (Y/n) theirselves if it comes to worst.

Apparently, Gon's father contacted him and for the first time, they had a serious argument because of what we're doing.

The zodiac council and most exceptional hunters are all currently in the succession war, sailing on a stranded expedition.

But since (Y/n) isn't storming around the city and crushing everything just like they expect, the council remained calm about the great threat as they sent the zodiac's hidden weapon— which I'm currently facing right now after he one-sidedly beats Yukarin and Tin.

If I lose now, Gon will have to fight him, leaving Alluka...

The Zoldycks weren't participating on pursuing us, they're not making a move after exposing (Y/n) all over the world. Father probably only wanted us to get cornered so I'd come back to them for help— That'll never be an option.

(Y/n) trusts us... so I'll continue to fight for her.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V
>In Her Dimension<

Tomorrow's monday...

I'm sure my scandal's still going...

Everyone would shun me.

My best-friend was still clueless since she deactivated from her social accounts... But when she gets to school, she'll know about it.

She looks depressed and all when I've seen her earlier... With our current personal situation, we couldn't help each other right now. We're both feeling unstable after all.

Andrew should've not imposed and should've declined her offer— And speaking of him... He's back though, currently getting scolded downstairs.

"Ugh." I stopped reading my book as I felt my gut getting drilled with unknown force.

From the sudden pain, I reflexively lifted my shirt and witnessed the horrible and unexplainable bruise I've got.

What... What is this?

"Blrgh!!" I coughed blood everywhere and received another pack of severe bruises. "Ngh—" I felt my left arm bone twist and crack as it followed with a broken right leg.

"(Y/n)?? What's wrong?!"

They knocked on my door but didn't await for my response as they swung it open, shocked by my state.

"N-no..." Mom staggered back in horror, holding her chest. "A—Andrew, call an ambulance."

"Tch." He immediately rang his phone.

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