90: Building Tension

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Lucas' P.O.V
"Tch..." I lounge on the bench, munching mints as I felt dull.

She's been faking everything.

The worst thing was she faked those three words. I knew she's not ready for that but she forced it.

Is she taking me for a fool?— Ah. No. I can't think like this. I shook my head. Luke would take this chance to steal my body.

"When will I see her pure and sweet expressions again? What made her into a lifeless doll? She never had an ex-boyfriend in the first place but she used it as an excuse when I've approached her." I drank water as I dripped in sweat, soaking my gym uniform.

"Lucas! Stop glaring at your classmates and play the game!" The teacher ordered.

Oh. Was I glaring? I massaged my temples.

It's just that.... I'm still pissed for her lies.

Everyone has really high expectations for me. I was just taking a quick break.

I stood up.

"He's talking to himself. Pft."
"I think it's over for him, sir!"
"He's been distracted all day."
"Maybe it's because of the girl.."

My friends constantly made taunts.

"Quit yapping you low-lives." I slammed the ball, resuming with the sport— Basketball.


Everyone's struck by my sudden change of personality.

I began to feel sleepy..

Not again. He's taking control.

My consciousness began to fade as I heard the certain voice whispering consoles on me.

Andrew's P.O.V
"How the hell can you speak our language by the way?" I randomly asked as we strive behind the school building.

"If you'll ask me that, I might as well ask how does (Y/n) speak ours too?" He sighed. "There are questions I couldn't answer okay?... But that girl will find answers for that in ex-change of pushing me away."

"Killua, her duty to save your fate was the greatest hint of her love for you even though it may look like she's a dry iced robot now." I smiled sadly to myself. "Two worlds can never overlap or else tragedy will befall either one of you again." I did my best counseling him.

"She said the same thing." He groaned in frustration, sick of it.

"If it's not for her great powers, the consequences would eat up your dimension again and again. You wouldn't be freely roaming around here in our world if not for her.. Gon and the others are still safe despite you opening the pandora's box."

He went silent for a few minutes, recalling the disastrous past.

"But I can't have my sister using that strange power. It's inflicting ravages on her like slowly taking her humanity away by taking her emotions and stuffs... Sorry Killua, but I'll support (Y/n)'s decision." I inserted my hands in my pockets.

My eyes widened for a second as I gazed on his expression.

He's taking the cruel reality by retaining a determined look.

It should be putting him down, he's that kind of character..


This just means one thing..

Killua.... really wanted to stay with (Y/n).

We stopped walking as we arrived in our destination. "Look, there's Lucas.." I pointed on the brown haired fellow by the court.

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