49: Her Mask

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Third Person's P.O.V
"Yukarin!" The silverette dashes, fetching the lady at the butler's quarters.

"Killua! A-are you okay?!" She hurriedly went towards the wounded male, touching his bloody arm. "Please don't tell me what I think just happened."

"What are you doing?! Go home! You shouldn't have tailed us." He growled.

"Let's go home together.." Her eyes shone with dedication as she initiatively ripped the hem of her skirt, wrapping the cloth around his cut. "I'm saving you from here."

"Let's be calm." (Y/n) tones them down, comfortingly brushing Alluka's hair as they sat on the couch.

Yukarin drifts her eyes on the girls, getting composure. "Please bring the medical kit!" She orders one of the butlers.

"What? No. I'm fine." Killua narrows his gaze like he winced from her affection.

"Yuka nee-chan. We're trapped now. They just decided that you'd also be a candidate for Onii-chan's fiancé."

"Alright. I'll win then get you all out here." She practically states.

"Erm... Actually, I was in the competition too. I was scared to refuse so yeah... But I'll pretend to lose every challenges!" (Y/n) sweat-drops, standing.

"Just do it normally. There's no way you'd have a chance anyways." Yukarin shot her rivalling glare.

"You guys are not taking it. Plus, Yuu has a boyfriend." Killua takes her left hand with the bracelet. "I'm getting you girls out—"

"If you try to leave, they'll chase you back just like before. That'll harm Alluka." She tugs her hand off him.

"Before??... You know too much about us and my past... You even knew my brothers' names even without me telling you. I don't care how you did that but don't get too nosy." He irritatingly replies. "How much longer are you gonna get secretive? What if you just confessed everything you know, that'll probably fix me up." Careless and unintentional words slipped out of his mouth as he felt impatient and restless.

"Don't tell me what to do. You don't know anything and you don't have to. I'll do things my way." She glares defensively.

Killua and (Y/n)'s relationship was indeed sensitive, making Yukarin too anxious from her position.


The small dispute broke when pieces of papers scattered around them like dusts.


The youngest assassin paused from prowling behind (Y/n). "You should've just stayed quiet, brother. I was about to take her mask."

The clueless target hopped back in surprise, wary of the assailant.

"Anyways, they'll force you to take it off— It won't hurt to make that choice now." He smirks deviously. "Right, brother? I know you guys want to see her face too."

"Tch. Don't get in the way." Killua scowled in exasperation, balling his fists with visible veins.

"It'll be quick. Come on. I'll do you a favor since you just came back." He disappeared after taking a quick step.

Knowing that move, (Y/n) knew he has begun to attack.

"NO!" She securely holds the mask on her face. The stakes would be high if she got exposed now.

"What the-" Kalluto jumped out of her radius when the mysterious girl deflected everything within a certain diameter.

"T-this energy isn't just nen. What is this?" Yukarin gasped in disbelief along with the few butlers who've witnessed the sudden outburst of shock wave.

"Kalluto. If you touch her, I'll kill you." Killua utters a dark threat, striding towards the trembling girl.

"Tch. It's not even worth crying for, why's she letting out tears." He grits his teeth in annoyance. "I was just curious. Whatever."

"D-don't bully Yuu!" Alluka stands up boldly for her friend.

Kalluto  just scoffed arrogantly before leaving the room.

"Tsk. What a crybaby." Killua pulls her back on her feet. "Don't worry. You can keep your mask all you want."

"You dropped your phone by using that exploding force." Yukarin approached.


(Y/n) received a solid slap in return.

"You must've forgotten you have a boyfriend— Are you nuts?! Why would you set another man's photo as your wallpaper?" She scandalously reveals her lock screen that shocked everyone. "You might've successfully protected your identity, but it's useless now. Take off that mask."

"Yukarin! Now's not the time! If someone has to interrogate her badly, that'll be me." He brushed his silver fringes up, vexed from the unveiled evidence of her love.

"You look younger here, Killua. It's definitely from the past." She tossed the cellphone back to its owner then started taunting her. "Don't drag this up forever. Just bring out everything about his forgotten past!! Killua, quit running away if you really want to get better, you stupid jerk! How many times do I have to hint it for you?! That void which haunted you in years is actually an amnesia! I don't know why she's just casually sticking around, but this manipulative girl has some kind of plan. She'll never cure you—"

"Stop. Stop it!! Okay?! She must have reasons."

"Reasons? Excuses you mean." She sneered. "Alluka, look how much of a playboy your brother is. Trusting her over me—"


"Prove me wrong then! Choose! Your past or your present?-"

"Yes, I still have lingering feelings for him." (Y/n) simply confessed, tired of bearing by herself.


"But! It doesn't matter if I still got some pictures of Killua." She scoffed, couldn't care less about their opinions after making many considerations for them all this time. "If he managed to love another girl then that's the end! He chose you, Yukarin!!" She gripped her own shirt as if she's clutching her own heart. She's already used from disregarding her pride just to calm things by sounding cheap yet glib. "I don't have any intentions to get between you guys... But if you're so heated with jealousy and doubt him too much then you're the problem!"

"Onii-chan.." Alluka stood in confusion.

"Everyone, shut up!! Goddammit!" He slams a heavy fist over the wall, demolishing the cemented structure as he earned silence.

"Yukarin, you're the one who willingly separated with me for space. And we already broke-up... So, why are you doing this now?! And you know... This girl right here.." He referred to (Y/n). "She was obviously obligated to stay with us! I can see that she's desperately trying to solve something not only because of me. It's gotta be something more than that! This girl cried and got miserable because of us but she still chose to remain. She's not just on my side! She's on our  side! Yuu is an ally!"

"...You know.. I just wish... I just wished you'd understand me deeply too." His ex stormed out.

He drops down, laying his back flat on the floor. "Another walk out. You always do this when we argue."

"And you never chase her even once." Alluka frowned, stranded on the couch by herself.

"Sorry." (Y/n) rushes out of the area as well.


".....Young master—"

"No. Don't talk. Just leave like the girls did."

To be continued....

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