16: Night of Terror

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V
"Aaaaahhh.." I released a monotonous, pathetic sigh.

I can't feel my fever anymore... Coz these situations making me a lot more sick.

Did I just argued with them?

No good.

I got towards the door, slamming it open.



"Oh my, are you all better now?"

Looks like she was about to get in my room.

"I guess... Erm.. Where's Gon and Killua??"

"They went out... How odd. I know they can protect themselves out of this cold night but it's quite late at night...." She crosses her arms, getting suspicious yet worried.

"Alright, thanks Mito-san." I pecked a kiss of gratitude on her cheek before dashing out for the boys.

"Wait! (Y/n)! It's dangerous!"

I'll just prepare for her scoldings later on but for now, I have to find the two.


"Killua!! Gon!!" I stroll around the dark fields.


They should be around here...

I called out while I walked and walked as I found my way into the forests.

"Hey! I'm sorry for offending the both of you!"

It's chilling.. I should've brought a jacket with me. I rubbed my arms to get them warm.

"Hey lil' girl watcha doing?~ *hiccups*"

Oops.. It's a turf of drunkyards? =.=

This group of geezers— definitely bad news.

I gotta go.

"Nothing." I ran in full speed.

"Hey lil' missy!"

Third Person's P.O.V
"Hey lil' missy!"

"Aw man, she escaped..."

"Did she entered that part? *hiccups*"

The other one snorted. "..She's doomed."

"HAHA Wanna save her?"

"Nah. I don't wanna die yet." They all laughed, going out of the forest.

"That thing's been a pest for weeks now..."

"They should just hire a hunter."

"Was it our problem?"


Once again, the foolish men laughed arrogantly.

~ ~ ~

(Y/n)'s P.O.V
Yes. Escape plan success!

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