97: Their Past

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[A/N: I'd really appreciate if you guys understood the chapter "Beyond Worlds" so you'd avoid falling into huge confusion now... I'll do my best to tie the loose ends ❤️]

[Warning: Violence... Tragic af]

Third Person's P.O.V
It was their past lives...

The tale of (Y/n) (L/n) during her first, previous life.

Within the very first and earliest universe created, lies this one accursed planet..


An old-fashioned era filled with unending wars..


"Please... Let me go.." With ragged breath, she implored him over and over.

"How many times must I repeat myself?? This is for the sake of our world.. Release me... please.." The pitiful girl continued to beseech.


"Don't you care for the sake of common good?!" The fierce woman wasn't fazed, forcing herself to stay conscious as her vision starts to blur.

It's been a week of torture.

No matter how she pleaded, the cruel assassin continued with the flogging. "Undo the seal." He ordered, apathetically.

"Do you enjoy this? I'm not giving it away.. Never." (Y/n) gazed at him with half lidded eyes, presenting him the array of her unbreakable will.




The irons were relentlessly clanking as she received consecutive whips.

"The question goes for you. Aren't you tired of this? Do you actually enjoy it?" He also afflicted internal wounds as he spoke in a very dark manner, treating her lesser than a slave.

(Y/n) was born in their country's imperial family— The powerful kingdom above all nations. Their unique bloodline was a transcendence of something unfathomable. They were powerful than mages yet still lower than gods. They're still imperfect humans and humans will never be as strong as the true, one and only creator.


The chains rattled as she received another beating.

Her (h/c) hair was disheveled...

Clothes were torn.. almost stripping her naked...

Yet she couldn't do anything but wince while gripping her fists as her messed up body trembled from the long scourge.

Killua's first version of himself was completely cold-blooded— He's the full fledge definition of a perfect assassin. He was born to kill even in his past life, must've been one of the reasons of why he actually rebelled right away in such a young age during his present life in the hunter universe.

"You can't do anything unless I remove these shackles that suppresses any form of power." The silver-haired male was whipping her small back for an hour now.

"They're wrong. My family isn't sustaining peace in this land. They're the destruction that will befall soon. I need to kill our entire bloodline. I'm the only hope. P-please... For everyone's future." She conveyed, weakly.

"My family became part of the royalty because of the main branch— Your clan." His cold, slashing glare made her shiver, numbing her pain for a second.

Two Worlds: One Fate [Killua x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now