12: A Helping Hand

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Author's P.O.V

"Descendants of clairvoyant.."

"Bloodline of psychics.."

"Reincarnation of the great ancestor..."


That's pretty much the content of your grandmother's speech. Naturally, neither you and your brother finds it convincing at first, but when she revealed your forgotten past experiences... all was puzzled clear in your memories.

"This is why mother and grandma were fighting over last night... More importantly... Why're you the one inheriting the ability according to a propecy? Tch.." Andrew speaks in agitation as he run broad research through his gaming pc.

"What?! Are you seriously gonna argue about it?? It's not my fault, it's our great ancestor's fault. And regarding to my situation.. Even if mom and dad opposes grandma, I'll still go with her. It's not like I'm gonna make a career out of it. I just wanna know more... Since I've entered a mess!" You spat, currently searching articles with him.

"There's 7% in this world who actually has accurate esp... Paranormal activities proved some people could detect spirit energies.... Fortune telling counts as well but none has information about legit psychic abilities like teleportation/transportation—Argh. We're getting nowhere." He brushes the keyboard aside, slamming a palm by his desk.

"Well, that explains how often you wander off before... Coz you might be accompanied with ghos—"

"Shut up! I'm not the only one, stupid." He subtly freaked out.

You amusingly laughed at his reaction.

"..My ability's inactive right now and I'd rather have it locked within me... It's a pain in the ass. But if I have the power to choose, telekinesis would be awesome.."

"Then why don't you find out? You're already aware of our family's bloodline.."

He sighed. "That's nothing for you to be concerned of. *ahem* Aren't you forgetting something more crucial? Your weeb abilities are far worse than basic psychic skills."

"H-how dare you?! Y-you just called my great dimensional talent as a weeb ability?!"

"Psh. It's true. What're you ashamed for?... Thanks to Killua, you've unlocked the least thing a person could've done in this universe. Be proud. You've made history... Historical weeaboo event that is." He tugged his drawer open, reaching for notes

"...It's not a weeb thing!" You exclaimed, reaching for his pillow as you threw it on him.

"Don't get pissed now... Transporting inside an anime world is kinda lame you know!" He bashed.

"It isn't!" You cried out. "You're just jealous!"

"I'm not... Here. Suck it up." He tossed you a certain notebook.

"What's this?" You sulked, flipping the pages open.

The content had you gazing back at him, surprised and confused.

"Tell me, what do you want to do with him?" He asked profoundly.

"....Well.. I know it's taboo.. and it shouldn't have happened in the first place.. But personally... I wanted to be by his side. YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE HIM!" You rolled over his bed like a sushi.

Two Worlds: One Fate [Killua x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now