55: 2nd Test pt. 2

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Killua's P.O.V


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I heard a sharp sound— The sound of a ripple spreading across my body.

Both my arms and legs motioned towards her, unconsciously setting aside Yukarin as I pulled her from Kalluto, keeping her right in my arms by carrying the writhing victim in bridal-style.

It was the second time I've seen her bare face, yet it feels like the 'first time' because I had the chance to take a clear look now.

Just her face brought me this strange, wistful feeling.

What's with these vague memories??

"T-that name... It belongs to her isn't it?" Yukarin released a small cough. Little by little, the strong girl was getting used from the poison as she breathes steadily. "You've managed to say the name consciously."


I wasn't forgetting...

Usually, I would've forgotten after saying it.

"Milluki, give me the antidote."

"Rules are rules, the test is still going—"

"I don't give a damn about rules!" I snarled at mother.

"Looks like the winner's clear. Yukarin's acing the tests. She'll overcome the poison sooner." The fat-ass says with a pompous smirk.

"I'm trusting you with them." I beckoned Kalluto to look after the girls. I actually relied on him— This is new.

He only gave me a solid stare before taking (Y/n) into his arms.

"That's right, Kalluto. Guide the examinees to the third level basement."

The torture room..?!

"I've had enough of you. You really wanna die that much... huh? Milluki.." I slightly curved my firm fingers inward before stretching them out along with my deadly claws.

"Do it and it'll only get things worst, grandson." Gramps shook his head.

"Screw the system." I bent down to pick (Y/n)'s mask, clenching my teeth. "Give back Alluka and hand over the antidote. The first one to pass was Yuka, there's no point in continuing when we already have a winner."

"I-I give up.. please.. it's too.. painful." She cried, pleading with her quivering, bloody lips as she gripped her kimono.

"Cure her now. I don't like this at all, since I have sportsmanship." Yukarin stopped coughing, harnessing her aura as the pert female sided with me.

"I'd always obey you, mother.."

"That's right, Kalluto."

"But just once, I'm rebelling against this method and siding along big-brother. Judging from her state, this woman might not recover and we'll end up driving her to death. Although this poison isn't the type to kill, most cases of this torture would lead the person in suicide.."

He actually worries about her genuinely...

Not only did he surprised me, but also them.

"What about it? Then we'll just make sure she doesn't kill herself, so tie her up in the basement already!" Milluki grumbled, stomping his heavy foot.

"Kalluto. Do you fancy that girl?" Asked mother.

"T-that's completely out of the topic!" He backs away, securely carrying (Y/n).

"So is your attitude. Why would you choose to cover-up those mere commoners? That's completely out of the question." The red light in her electronic visor flickered as her tone went dark.

"As a family member and one of the examiners, I still have the right to pry and judge these upcoming tests myself." He rebuts.

I thought Kalluto's loyalty to our parents was absolute.

"Says the one whom agreed with punishing whoever loses." Milluki scoffed. "Did you purposely made them pass to avoid that? Do you think you'll be favoured from violating the rules? You're not the heir unlike Kill.. There's no special treatment. Few whips would be too easy to let you off with this."

"Grandpa, Father, Mother.... especially you, Milluki.. if (Y/n) actually dies, we're no longer a family and I'll make sure to kill you all.. as long as I live." My aura went violent.

Gramps whistled amusingly. "Our traditional family test was really effective. Who could've thought that Killua actually has unconditional feelings for one out of the two."

"What're you getting at now, grandpa?" Milluki groaned.

"Kalluto, return to your room."

"No, mother." He calmly refused.

Bangs hindered my view, I was being pushed to my limits.



My nen struck the entire room with a powerful lightning bolt, blinding off their senses for a split second as I briefly retrieved Alluka from Dad in a speed of light.

"Try to chase us." I glared with the intent to kill.

"Tsk. Kill!!"

"Milluki, let them off." Grandpa sighed.


"Tests should have breaks between intervals." The old geezer smirked.

Stupid parents.

I gave Alluka for Yukarin to carry as I went back to (Y/n).

"Leave us alone for a bit." I took back (Y/n) from my little brother's hands as Yukarin passed my sister to Kalluto.

"H-Hey! I'm not just some carrier or something!—"

"Killua..." Yukarin grabbed my arm, ignoring his rumbles.

I strayed my eyes away and tugged my arm off her grip.

"I'm sorry. I'll be back."

To be continued....

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