17: Fiction to Reality

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Killua's P.O.V
We've reached (Y/n)....

Even if the pit hole was real misty, the familiar figure below tells me it's her.

This smell....


"No way.." we gasped.

I nod to Gon as we rashly jumped down to the rescue.

We landed on some hard shell and it squished at the same time, my eyes instantly adjusts into nocturnal mode.

The lingering toxic continues to wrap the pit but the density eventually decreased, uncovering the gruesome body.

There was nothing we could do against the creature...

The gigantic corpse was cleanly cut in half.

I hurriedly went to the unconscious girl on ground. "(Y/n)??"

"She must've inhaled the poison." Gon panics, about to pick her up but I grabbed his arm. "I-It's my fault.." He mutters.

"Don't freak out..." I cupped her cheek, clenching my teeth.


"Gon, she's not breathing!"

"I'll help her—"

"This is my fault." I cut him off and hurriedly pumped her chest, performing cpr to revive her consciousness. "The poison is terribly strong for normal people. She'll die at this rate!"

"If I just stayed with her.. It's my fault. She can't die like this!" He kneels beside her body, shutting his eyes. "Just look at her injuries.." His hand locks with her palm, sticking the back of her hand over his cheek. "I'm sorry."

"Tch. Gon, take over for me."

I went over her head.

With his immediate response, he also did the resurrection tecnique. "Come on, wake up please!" Desperation lit in his eyes.

"(Y/n)... Return to me.." I leaned my head lower, latching my own lips with hers and tried sucking the amount of toxics out of her lungs.


I pulled away to breathe. "Don't stop, Gon.."

His hands resumed on pumping the life back to her as I went and took the remaining lethal gas into my body..

The poison wasn't injected but she breathed it in. I can still save her.

"(Y/n).." I huffed, feeling the deadly gas all over my body as I clutched my fists, bringing out the veins.

I haven't felt this kind of intense poison. It even made me sweat.

Gon pats my shoulder, gazing at me with firm orbs.

I'm fine.

"Agh.." She bolts up and repeatedly coughs hardly.

"(Y/n)!" We supported her back, sighing in relief.

"...found you guys.." She choked and coughed, fainting back into my arms.

"Stupid girl." I carried her protectingly in my arms, standing up as I turn to Gon.

"Killua..." He points on the dismembered corpse.

The display was all clear to see, uncovered by the dispersed gas.

"The other half of its body was gone...?" I narrowed my view, squinting my eyes. "What could've killed it? It's definitely not this girl."

"Centipedes have other head on its tail... Maybe that part escaped...." Gon was the first one to leap out of this spooky pit. "I'll investigate around the area and finish it off if it's ever alive."

I gave him a short eye contact as a sign of approval then stared back on the remains, holding her securely.

"Disgusting." I jumped on the air, getting enough force to land around and smash its head by my feet. I guess that's double kill.

Third Person's P.O.V
"Goodness gracious!" The worried aunt instantly pulls the two in. "What happened to her?? She's just recovering from her fever and now this??"

Killua's eyes went hollow as he dashed her into the room, lying her down the bed.

Mito rushes for some medicinal herbs, water, towel and such for the preparation of healing her wounds.

The poor male sat beside her bed, tenderly holding unto her hand.

"I'm sorry... You got me all perplexed... Do you mean your words or are you playing me?.." He frowns.

"Tch.. Why does it feel like you're hiding something crucial??" He utters while wearing such vulnerable expression. "Why do you go so far to help me? I never forced you yet you always come back."

She continued to stay asleep as tear slides down from her right eye.

"You're so complicated. Damn it."

Sudden knocks interrupted his sentiments.

The door opened and Mito entered with the supplies. "I'm sorry Killua, but I accidentally overheard your words."

The silverette blushed, dropping your hand then snapping his head down. "Please forget it Mito-san..."



Third Person's P.O.V
*still the night when you've vanished and gone to hxh dimension**


"What?! What is it, what happened??" The dad went after the screaming mom downstairs.

"Mom?! WHAT THE..." Andrew opens the back door, boldly stepping out.

. . .

And he takes a selfie with it.

"Andrew! Get back in here!" Orders his parents.

The neighbourhood got disturbed too, crowding their house in that night.

All freaked out.

Seriously freaked out....

Because of the half-body— the corpse of a gigantic centipede laying on the backyard.

Of course— Reporters, policemen, FBI, and authorities of the government flew straight into (Y/n)'s house later on, breaking out an international news for the extraterrestrial discovery that gave big impact in your world.

[A/N: Thanks for the read! <3 take a moment to wait for the next chap~]

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