83: Caught In Heat

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V
I didn't expect such problem to occur.

I don't need romance and dramas hindering the way right now.

I need to be composed for our team.

Killua's most likely cooling his head too. He should be— He's a cool character after all.

We need to be professionals with things since we're in the grave part of the plan.

To soothe my entire self, I dipped for a bath within a couple of minutes, rinsed up, brushed my teeth, dried myself, changed clothes and went straight to bed.

Just like getting ready for school tomorrow, I did the normal stuff— Although, I'd probably get absent for a few days over there.. It can't be helped.

I stared up the high and wide ceiling.  They're almost 18 just like me, well, except Alluka who's a year younger.... We're bunch of grown up teenagers so I figured I'd let them loosen up by having our very first group party just like how ordinary teens hang out in this modern era.

But I forgot there's love crisis within our relationships and the liquor stirred it up bad.

But I forgot there's love crisis within our relationships and the liquor stirred it up bad

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I sighed.


I can't leave now.. What if there's a hole in my plan and put my friends in danger? I should be here until the war succeeds.

For the first night of preparation, it was Gon's job to guard and patrol, we'll take turns every nights.

Although Cheadle and I confirmed that there shall be no underhanded tricks during these days, we still can't afford to give them chances to strike a sneaky ambush or any kind of attack— Can't be risking our protection.

I could've wrapped the entire tower with a barrier made up with my powers, but knowing that it's getting really handful these days, I'll just save it up for the war.

We still have almost a week before the war, so I still have lots of time to think..

A yawn passes out of my lips. My eyelids went heavy as I felt drowsy. Sleep has called for me.

~ ~ ~


The sound of an opening door brought approaching foot-steps.

My eyes were closed as I breathe steadily, deceiving the person from my sleep acting.

Blankets were slightly lifted up as it snuck itself in while I felt my bed slightly sunk from one's certain movements.

"What're you doing, Killua?" I opened my eyes and turned my body sideways, facing him. "Why are you laying on my bed?"

"I want my reward for winning against that kid. I know I've said date or marry me and don't leave me... but you're not actually doing those. You never promised it too. You're so mean." He smirks, sounding mischievous all of a sudden as he nestled beside me, scooting closer that his lips could almost touch my forehead.

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