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The party was interesting. I sat on the stool at the bar. It's my mom's retirement party. She invited a lot of guests and so many delicacies are being served:

Ewagoin(beans), Jollof rice, Fried rice, Salad, Chicken, pottage, assorted meat, Turkey, Coleslaw, moin moin and some continental dishes as well.

"Yewande come and assist me in serving the guests" my mom said facing me."my ex colleagues are here"

Yewande is my native name while Edna is my English name. I'm usually called Yewande by my parents and relatives.

"Mom I'm sorry I can't do that. I'm dressed and I really don't want my dress to get stained"

She laughed. "see this girl o. You're forming big girl for me (Look at this girl, you're trying to be a big girl for me"). You better get married soon. Yemisi is getting married in a month's time"

Yemisi is my maternal cousin.

I rolled my eyes. "Maami (mother in Yoruba language) I've told you I'm not ready yet"

She smiled "there's no time sha. I need grandchildren soon"

"But you have six" I huffed. "three from brother Tokunbo and three from brother Dare"

"There's no time. I want from you too."

"Tunmise hasn't gotten married and you're disturbing me"

"Look, Tunmise is a man and you're a lady. There's a very big gap"

She was actually making sense.

"Fine. I'll think about it"

"That's my girl. Enjoy the party and in case you find any. ........ you know what I'm talking about " she teased with a wink.

I laughed. "Maami"

She patted my back and left.

Funny woman.

*Three years later*

I was in a hurry for work. I quickly packed some food in a food flask and head towards the door.

"Yewande" my mom called out "please I want to talk with you for some minutes"

"Maami I'm late for work. Customers are calling and there'll be traffic jam" I complained.

"It won't be up to a minute, trust me" she held my arm.

"Okay" I agreed sitting down reluctantly on the sofa."what's so important that you want to talk about this instant?"

She heaved a sigh. "it's been three years I asked you to get married. You're already twenty seven for God's sake"

"You've told me about it and I said I'm still thinking about it" I replied.

"Thinking for three years? Òmò atata(my very good child)"

"Okay I promise to see what I can do. I hope you won't pester me any longer?"

She smiled. "I don't know oh"

I laughed. "bye mom. You always spice up my day"

"It's for the best. Take good care of yourself at work okay?"

I nodded and drove off to work as my mom waved.


There is traffic jam. I was trying my possible best to avoid it but still, it caught up with me.

My name is Edna Yewande Ajayi. I'm twenty seven years old. I'm dark complexioned, plump and average in height. I have three elder brothers; two are married and one is not. We're six in my family.

I studied hairdressing here in Nigeria and cosmetology in New York. I own a spa and a salon at Ikoyi. I do makeup, home services and bridal stuff. I also make hair; any style of your choice. I fix nails; including manicure and pedicure. I'm into all those stuff.

I live alone at Banana Island. I came to stay with my parents at Victoria Island for some time.

The resounding horns of cars jerked me into reality. I drove as fast as I could.

Luckily, I got there on time.


"Madam welcome oh (welcome madam). Why you no come since? We sef dey fear whether they don kidnap you (Why didn't you come for a long time? we were scared if you got kidnapped)" Mrs Chucks, one of my workers joked.

We laughed.

"Thanks. There was traffic jam" I smiled. "thanks again for caring"

"It's okay" replied Mrs Damola." We're happy you're finally here"

I gave her a reassuring smile.

I walk upstairs to my office. I feel glad because my workers care about me and I care about them too.

I open the door and sit down tiredly on the swivel chair. I place my bag on the table and begin to go through the company's mails, messages and requests.

Just then, I heard a knock on my door. It's my secretary, Okoye Chinwe.

"Come in " I said.

"Good morning ma" she greeted politely with a smile.

I smiled back. "how are you?"

"I'm fine ma"

"Any news?" I asked curiously.

"Yes. Some Agbani Michelle lady requested for home service today. She said she needs manicure and pedicure. And also the list of latest hairstyles"

"That's a lot of work. I hope she's aware of the price for home service and did you collect her address?"

"Yes ma'am. Many requests have come up lately. You know it's summer holidays"

"You're right. Send her address to me right now. I need to finish up the work for this week"

She nodded. "Okay ma"

"One more thing, I hope customers don't complain?"

"Not at all" she replied giving a smile.

"Thanks. Bring the address soon" I continued working on the laptop.

I started checking the messages one after the other. The first is from my eldest brother's wife, Mrs Pamela Ajayi. She needs to make her hair. I guess she's going on a trip to Paris with the kids. Others are nothing too serious.

Chinwe placed a piece of paper on the table. "here is the address you asked for"

It read thus:

No 35 Akinsanya estate, Ikeja.

"Thanks. Please give me a list of the latest Nigerian hairstyles"

"Alright ma"

"Ikeja all the way up" I mutter  changing to my working outfit.

I took a kit and drove off with one of my apprentices, Tola.

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