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Moreta hall, Montgomery road, Yaba.

Edna and Anthony's Limousine

"I can't really believe our it's our day" Edna squeezes Tony's arms out of excitement.

"Yeah boo, it is" he kisses her forehead.

"I hope everything goes well"

"Why not? When Oluwa (God) is involved?" Tony chuckles.

"I love you" Edna places her lips on Tony's. "My birthday, our baby"

"Holy shit, that's true" A laugh followed. "Funny story, everyone including my mom forgot. We're not an exception though"

"To an extent. The joy was too much"

"I know right. By the way, happy 28th birthday to me"

" I have a lot of surprises in store for you love" Tony winks. "I mean, a lot"

"You're the best when it comes to surprises so I have no fears"

"That's a babe. My babe. Happy birthday and my best wishes from me to you. I love you more than my life, girl"

A mutual stare lasts for some minutes.

Their faces come in contact, sinking into each other's worlds.

*The car of the Ajayi's*

"Ahh.....Iyabo, Kini é?(Ahh... Iyabo, what's the matter?)" Mrs. Ajayi sounds worried over the phone.

"I hope nothing is wrong" Mr.Ajayi chirps in from the front seat.

"Kilónsó?(What are you saying?)" said Mrs. Ajayi, her voice cracking.

'Mummy....é suru(mummy, be patient)" Pamela, Dare's wife cleaned the sweat from Mrs. Ajayi's face.

"Okay. I'll call Sunmbo to help you with it, alright?" Mrs. Ajayi continued.

Everyone exchange glances with each other. Surprised and shocked, there is a loud outburst of laughter.

'Honestly, the way your mom mixes her accent still amazes me" Laura whispers to Tunmise.

"Ah, mummy" Ayo, Tokunbo's wife faces her mother in law. "You're one of a kind"

"Honestly, mom. You're amazing" Tokunbo said amidst laughter.

"So, what's the reason for the laughter?" Mrs Ajayi rolled her eyes out of relief.

'The way you switched your accent was funny" Pamela revealed.

"Oh, you don't know about it' She began. "Iyabo was worried about her gele oh. She was saying it doesn't want to fit into her head and I couldn't hear what she was saying properly, prolly she was distant from her phone"

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