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The morning sun shined on the both of us. I caught Anthony staring at me from the corner of my eye; pretending to be asleep.


I held him tightly and he started playing with my hair. His touch tickled me. I giggled.

"Morning sunshine" he smiled warmly pecking my lips.

He's very handsome and his bedroom voice is seductive. I'm in love with it.

I opened my eyes giving him a stare in the eye "morning. I hope you're good?"
"Sure. I love the smell of your hair I must confess"

I blushed "thanks"
"So tell me? What's for breakfast?"
I laughed "I seriously don't know. By the way, I forgot to bring some undies. I didn't prepare to sleep over"

"You don't need to worry, Darasimi has a lot of undies she hasn't worn yet. I'll check it"
"Really? Thanks. You'll make a good husband"
"For only you and no one else"

I got up from bed and put my hands on his shoulders. "You never know what the future has planned"
"You can determine your future. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you Edna"

Me too. I want to spend the good and bad times of life with you.

He pulled me into a hug "Do you love me?"

Yes I do but scared to confess it.

I turned his question into a joke and pulled away from him.

🎵he say "do you love me?" I tell him "only partly I only love my bed and my mama I'm sorry" 🎵

He shook his head and left. I sighed.
Just then, his phone rang. I checked the caller ID. It's Nifemi.

I thought they never had a thing. Why then is she calling him?

Curiosity struck.

I should find out, hmm.

I picked the call.
"Tony we need to talk urgently. Also the gynecologist required you must come with me for antenatal check up"

My ears felt as if they're filled with dirt that I can't hear any longer.

Antenatal checkup? That means she's carrying his baby?

A tear fell down immediately. He betrayed my trust? Again?

"Hello Tony. ... are you there?" Her voice rose.
I hung up.
I sat down feeling shattered.

Why? That means all men are the same. ... you wouldn't even be able to find your Mr. Right.  Why? Why?

Tears ran down my cheeks. I'm dumbfounded. ..... I don't know how and what to feel anymore. It's like the world is coming to an end.

"Goodnight Edna. I love you"
On remembering those few lines,  I pushed everything away in anger making a loud noise.

The door opened.
"What's wrong Edna?"

Hey guys! How has been the update so far? I hope you love it. Any questions or suggestions? Kindly slide into my pm. Incase you need spoilers, it's available. Don't forget to tap the yellow star and share this story with your friends. Jesus loves you 💞.

P/S: Aunt Folake is waving at you! Say hi to her with a smile!

Till next week, bye!🙌

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