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"Mom open up, it's me Yewande" I said in a hurry patting Tony's back gently. His leg got bruised by a bullet. Thank God it wasn't deep, or else we'll be at the hospital by now.

The door opened. Mom stood still, trying to understand our situation. "What happened? Come in"
She assisted me with Tony to the sofa. I locked the door immediately.

I sighed exasperatedly. "Calm down mom, I'll tell you everything later. But first, I have to take care of his wounds. He got bruised by a bullet"

"Pele my dear(sorry my dear)" mom consoled holding him close to herself. I gave him first aid, he winced in pain.
I felt his pain too. "Sorry"
He nodded.

"Mom please get some food and analgesic. I need it right away"
"Okay my dear" she scurried away.

I fell into his arms. "Sorry baby, the pain will subside soon, okay?"
He stroked my hair lightly. Goosebumps arose on my skin.

"I will. Make sure you tell your mom about it. She needs to know"
"Yeah sure. I'm planning on telling her about my pregnancy and our relationship as well."

"Not bad. The earlier the better right?"
I nodded. I heard mom's footsteps.
"Mom's here" I whispered.
He let go of me. I sat uprightly.
"Have some spoons". Mom said opening the plates of porridge.
"I'll do it" I offered collecting the plates from her. She smiled sheepishly at me.

I fed him some spoons of porridge then gave him some pain relief. He fell asleep some minutes later. I walk to mom's room, she was waiting patiently for my arrival.

"Can we talk now?"


I'd told mom about what happened earlier, my pregnancy and relationship with Tony, Nifemi and Chloe's plan, the incident that occurred at Body Field and all. She stared at me in awe.

She held my hands. "How old are you Edna? Look at what you're going through at your age! It's too much, why are people wicked?"

Tears flowed freely from her eyes. I had no option but to cry as well, it made me emotional.

"Calm down mom, it's life" I tried consoling her but it made her shed more tears.
I cleaned her eyes using a soft paper. "It's fine now, I'm good"
She hugged me. "I'm very happy for you both. You're going to be parents soon"

"Yeah mom. Thanks. We're planning on getting married but after some few months. I need to settle things"
"You're right. Please take good care of yourself, I'll be visiting you often and don't stress much, it can lead to miscarriage. Okay?"

"Such will never happen" I assured confidently. "We need to rest, I've had a very long day"
"Yes my daughter. Go stay with Tony, he needs you more than ever"
"Goodnight" I closed the door.

I had a quick bath, changed into my nightie and laid beside Tony. I pecked his forehead before closing my eyes, entering into another world entirely.


"Morning my son" mom answered feeling concerned about Tony. "How was your night? Hope the pain has subsided?"
"Yeah thanks. I'm grateful"

"You're welcome. By the way, I have good news for you both"
I wiggled my brows."I'm eager on hearing it"
"Yemisi has given birth to a bouncing baby boy!" Mom danced in excitement.

Happiness filled the air. "Oh my God! I'm so happy for her. .....eeeeee she's now a mom. I'm so glad"
"Iyabo called yesterday saying that she only went to ease herself then the baby came out" she laughed. I gasped. Anthony joined mom in the laughter.

"They had to call their family doctor and nurses. Well, God took control"
"I'm happy. So we'll be leaving for Ibadan a day after tomorrow to see them right?"
"Yes. But Tony is it fine with you?"
I glanced at him. He only blushed.

"Femi is back right?" I cut in.
"Not yet. He'll be leaving from London this morning"

"Of course ma, why not?" Anthony replied.
"Thank you my son. You both should kneel down, I need to pray for you"

We obeyed.

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