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The bright sun penetrated through the windows. I forgot to close them last night. I woke up very late this morning. The alarm clock had rung all morning but none of us heard it.

Yemisi had woken up earlier.
She tapped me twice.

I stretch a little and glanced at the clock.

"10:26? " I asked in shock. I'm damn late because I have about seven home service appointments today.

"Wake up sleepy head" Yemisi walks sluggishly to the bathroom.

I rushed to my room in haste and cleaned up. Applying a little makeup, I wore my accessories snappily.

"What would you like for breakfast? " Yemisi asked.

"Don't worry. I'll handle it"

"Tell me. I'm not as lazy as you think"

"I know. I'm worried about your condition so don't stress. I'm anticipating on seeing our baby you know" I touched her chubby cheeks.

She chuckles. "It's fine, trust me. And I know you're late for work already. Just allow me prepare breakfast okay?"

I sigh. "Alright. But I'll be watching, hmm"

She touched my cheeks . "Come help me down the stairs"

We walked hand in hand down the stairs and got to the kitchen.

"Where's the food aunt brought last night?"

I pointed to the refrigerator. "Right there"

She prepared our local food (pap) and warmed the Ewagoin (beans) mom brought last night.

"I hope you know we're gonna eat from the same plate?" she reminded.

"Yes ma'am" I reply,laughing a little.

We ate together like our childhood days.

"Hmm,delicious. The beans in London is something else"

"No place like home" I winked.

We finished in no time.

"Thanks" she appreciated.

Putting the plates in the dish washer, I washed them quickly. 

"I'll spank you, very soon. Don't thank me"

"Okay oh. I'll stop"


I lock the house and drive to my parent's. I have to drop Yemisi off because she can't be at home alone.


"Ekààro Maami(good morning mother in Yoruba language)" I greeted politely while on my knees.

Yemisi wanted to join me but mom refrained her from doing so.

"Edna. ..... how are you?" She asked dryly, avoiding any eye contact.

Guilt ran through my veins. She's upset with me and it's quite obvious with the look on her face. She doesn't call me Edna on a normal day so it's clear that she isn't happy.

"Mom I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. It wasn't intentional, trust me" I hug her.

"Yes aunt. I think you should give her more time to settle down. You know how Edna can be. Also, Tunmise's wedding is around the corner"

She sighs, hugging me back.

I hugged more tightly. "Thanks mom. You're the best in the world "

She laughed shortly "It's okay my love. We're bound to express our feelings one way or the other. By the way, how's Iyabo? I've missed her so much. Ègbon mi(my sibling)"

"She's absolutely fine. I guess she'll be back by next week".

Trust me, aunt Iyabo is my favourite aunt.

"Okay dear. I can't wait to finally see my sis once again"

"Awwwww" Yemisi and I chorused.

"That reminds me, Yewande. Tunmise called earlier. He said he'll be at the airport before 7am tomorrow morning. He told me to inform you to kindly pick him up" Mom said with a serious tone.

"Okay its no problem. I'll be on my way now. I have a lot of work to attend to" I said briskly, getting up from the sofa.

"Bye bye" Yemisi said. " Get going"

"Oh goodness, some people will miss me and get tired. I'll come pick you up when you want to come back,yeah?"

"Never mind sweetie. I'll stay right here with my beautiful, sweet and darling aunt" Yemisi hugs mom from the side. "She wouldn't complain even if I finish her money"

We laughed.

"Take good care of yourself at work okay? "Mom smiles at me.

I nod and left briskly.

I drove to work.

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