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Anthony and I are heading to somewhere I don't have an idea about. He said it's a surprise, no questions.

Curiosity is killing me right now.

He drives swiftly, with skill and elegance. I actually admire the way he drives but won't tell him. He looked at me from the corner of his  eyes,  and smirked.
"Won't you at least tell me where we're heading to?" I licked my lips.

All of a sudden, I feel like throwing up. Everywhere seems smelly to me; I guess I just perceived the popcorn smell I'm allergic to.

"Holy shit! " I cursed silently  in my mind  hurriedly waiting for Tony to park well.

He helped me out. Trying to wash my face, I threw up the more.

I wonder if he doesn't feel disgusted about all these.

He's Anthony, not some random guy. The love of my life won't feel disgusted, we know ourselves.  

He pulled me into his arms. "Are you okay? How do you feel now?  Do you still feel like throwing up?"

"No no. Thanks, I'm good. I guess I had some allergies that made me throw up"

He smiled. "Sure?"
"Of course. Let's get going, I hate too much attention" I dragged his left hand. He responded slowly to see my reaction.

"Stop this now, I need to see my surprise. I'm EAGER"
He carried me bridal style. I placed my head on his chest, where two hearts beat as one.


My surprise for Edna is her spa. I want to see that Edna I used to know some months back. I want to see that jovial, happy Edna of before. I seriously miss her old self.  Ever since her spa was taken from her, she isn't herself.

Although she tries pleasing or comforting herself by forgetting about it but it just can't work out. Thereby, making her burst into tears and break down.  I tried consoling her but failed. Her spa means a lot to her, her source of income and living. 

We're at Ikoyi, Sleek Angel spa to be precise. It's decorated with colourful lights and shiny lamp holders. The workers are inside, patiently waiting to welcome their boss, Miss Edna Yewande Ajayi.  It was our plan to make her overwhelmed.

I blindfolded her. Helping her out from the car, she places her hands on her waist.
"Tony. .... where's this?" She asks curiously holding my hand.
I remove the bandana from her eyes. She froze at first as if she can't believe her eyes.

"Tell me this is a dream. Pinch me!" She screamed for joy. "Mrs Damola?  Lola. ... it's you? Mrs Chucks? I was depressed that I wouldn't see you all again. Mrs Adeyemo?" Her tune fell flat.  Her eyes became wet, she began to cry instantly. She's in Mrs Adeyemo's arm reuniting with her and others. I'm glad she's happy, no more sad moments.

"How did you get this spa back?" She demanded, her eyes went round.

Mrs Damola sighed. "Look my dear, it's by God's grace we got this spa. Secondly, the man standing beside you is the one that really helped us. If not for him, I don't think that shameless lady would have gone to jail"

I sighed.
Edna swallowed. "Wait, are you trying to tell me Nifemi is behind bars?"

"Yes my dear" Mrs Damola confirmed feeling satisfied.
Edna began to shed tears. She advanced towards me.

"I don't know how to thank you Tony. I'm fortunate to have a husband like you"

"You're married?" Everyone asked in unison. Expressing shock, their jaws dropped.
We laughed.

"Very very soon" I blushed placing my hands on Edna's waist. She buried her head on my chest.

"Awwwwn" they said with a clap.
"I love you" she confessed.
"I love you too" I replied giving her a smile.

"Owambe is coming oh (party is on its way)" Lola danced.
We giggled.
"Time for some drink!" I exclaimed.


It's been a while since I've planned to destroy Edna, but none of my plans seems to be working.

If possible, I'll make her a living dead.

Just then, I sight something familiar.

Edna's car!

Looks like even God himself hates you more than I do sweetheart.

I follow Edna to her spa. I just want to end this drama, once and for all; so I wouldn't have anyone or anything to think about. Wiping her face from the surface of the earth will make it better, right?

I guess so.

One of the securities with a mechanic and I made a deal; to exchange the brakes of her car with faulty ones without anyone noticing. They requested for a hundred thousand naira. Giving them times five of it won't make any difference to me.

"Oga shey make I go now? (Boss, should I go now?)" The man asked. "Wait" I made sure no one's watching.

Perfect timing.

"I hope the master keys of her model of car is available?" I asked the mechanic.
He nodded affirmatively.
"Go" I commanded.

*10 minutes later*

He did as instructed. I feel relieved. "The work is done?" the security questioned.

I gave him a handshake. "Yes. I'll be leaving. Inform me when they're about leaving"

"Alright sir. What about the money?"

"No need to worry, it's not a problem" I assured with a victorious smirk.

He smiled and raised both hands in the air. "I hail oh"
I drove off.

Now let's see who wins Edna. I really can't wait to hear the good news of your death.


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