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"How did she get to know about it? I knew this was going to happen, shit! "I punched the wall with my fists.

"I guess it was a coincidence. I was quite sure of the babes and guys I invited. How come she appeared?" Prince questioned rhetorically.

"I knew it!" I bent my head. "I can imagine what she'll be going through, like right now. I said disgusting things to her. ... and she's a very emotional person. Christ!"

Melvin tapped me gently. "Calm down man. We can go see her and make things straight. It's not the end of the world and besides your engagement is next tomorrow. There's still some time left"

Chinelo nodded in agreement. "Yeah bro. She wouldn't react that much if you talk about things"

Prince cleared his throat. "I'm sorry man, I shouldn't have organized the party. It was all my fault"

I shrugged. "It's fine bro. I know you meant well, so it's okay"

"We should get going to see Edna. I'm sure she must be expecting you by now" Melvin switched the lights off.

"Yeah you're right. Let's go" I searched for my car keys.


My hands are shaky as I ring the doorbell.

Prince tapped my right shoulder calmly. "Don't fidget, calm down bro"

I nod, swallowing.

The door opens. It's an average height blonde half cast. One of Edna's bridesmaids I guess. She smiled.

"I'm sure you're Anthony?" She questioned.

I returned the smile."Yeah. ..I am. Is Edna in?"

"Come in. Yes she is" she replied flipping her brown hair.

"This girl is an amazing sight to behold" Melvin whispered into my ears. "She's gorgeous and sexy"

"We have more to see" Chinelo rubbed his palms, fixing his gaze on her.

"Wrong time for this. ....." I rolled my eyes.

I don't see Edna anywhere. My heart raced.

"You're welcome. Well, Edna fell a little bit sick so we invited a nearby nurse. Come, I'll show you to her" she lead the way.

"Thanks. ......sick? How come?" I thought aloud. Anxiety set in.

Edna's on the bed, her eyes closed. The nurse is checking on her, my heart is in my mouth already. Her friends surrounded her, apprehensiveness written all over their faces. I march to where she is laid and pecked her forehead.

"Congrats to her, she's two weeks pregnant" The nurse closed Edna's eyeballs.

Delight filled the air. I couldn't contain the joy in me that I had to stifle a laugh. No sooner, tears formed in my eyes.

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