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Yemisi and I talked about a lot of things. Her work, marital life and all. It was quite interesting.

"Mom called while you were asleep. She'll be coming over"

"That's good. I'd love to see aunt"

"Really?" I asked in a tone that was uncharacteristically cool.

"Of course" she countered feeling rather surprised. "maybe it's because you've been together for a very long time"

"Damn right. I actually miss her"

She laughed shortly."it's quite obvious"

The doorbell rang twice.

"I'll see who it is" I said hastily.

I peeped through a hole I created on the door and saw my mom waiting patiently.

I open the door and kneel down.  "Ekàlè maami(good evening mother)"

She gave a broad smile. "òkò (usually to hail a child in Yoruba land)

I grinned as I stood up.

"Where's Yemisi? Before I forget, I brought some healthy food for her. Here are my car keys" she handed it to me. "get the basket from the back seat. And where's her room?"

"The third on the left" I head to the car park.

Outside feels very nice and enjoyable. The cool breeze made me close my eyes and inhale the sweet scent of flowers as it carried them by.

This is the perfect evening to hang out with friends and family, watch movies with a buddy or buddies while eating popcorn ,sleeping and all. But I'd prefer watching a movie. But with who?

My Mr. Right.

I know you think it's impossible but it's not. Of course no one is perfect but there's someone right for you. And that person can only come at the right time. That's why I'm patiently waiting for mine. Sadly, he isn't showing up.
but why?

God's plan. It's absolutely God's plan....... my conscience consoled.

I realize I wasn't myself.

I open the car and lift the basket. It's quite heavy.

Mom and Yemisi are busy chit-chatting about something I can't understand.

"She's back" Yemisi kept her eyes lowered, operating on her phone. She looks engrossed in what she's doing.

"Found it" she said quietly showing mom a picture on her phone. It's a picture of Tomi, her younger brother .

"Wow. ... he's all grown! See Tomi of yesterday oh" Mom shook her head, smiling.

"Right" I agreed. "He's a big man"

"Hope you're good? "Mom demanded facing Yemisi. "It's not easy to be an expectant mother so you have to reduce the level at which you stress yourself"

"Yes I will aunt. Thanks for the advice"

To be honest, pregnancy stuff  actually makes me feel uncomfortable.

"Some people that don't want to get married will be wondering how pregnancy feels. Well, their time will  come soon by God's grace" Mom smiled sweetly, glancing at me as Yemisi laughed.

I had to take this personal.

"Mom, how many times have I told you I'm not getting married any sooner? I mean, Tunmise's wedding is fast approaching and you're still disturbing me. For real, I'm tired"

Her eyes widened in astonishment. "Fine then. It's your business not mine. Yemisi, we will see later" She faces Yemisi this time. "I'll take my leave rather than listen to such"

"Mom, it's not what you think. I'll see you off if you want to leave then" I offer.

"Never mind" She returned with a fake smile. "Stay with your cousin and have fun"

"Aunt Folake, come on. Don't mind Edna. I'm quite sure she's pulling your legs a little. You don't have to be offended"

"Of course not darling" mom rose, moving to the door. "Bye"

Now, I feel guilty. She looked at me once more before leaving making me feel guilty over and over again.

Emotional blackmail?

Argh! Nigerian mothers are dramatic.

I heave a sigh and place my head on Yemisi's laps. "I'm tired of all these"

"I get you. But you hurt your mom too" She says, playing with my hair.

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