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I have attended to almost all the home service for today, or let's just say for the week. The last is from Mrs Adeleye Funmbi.

Sounds familiar.

I'm not sure if I know her.

Her message read thus:

"Edna dear, I'll need home service today by 4pm to make my hair(fixing).My address is no 128 Allen Avenue, Lekki phase 2. Thanks a lot. I'll be expecting you."

I glance at my wristwatch. It's 4:12pm.

"Lekki...... " I managed with a deep breath. To be honest, I feel lethargic. Plus I'm going to be late.

I took a kit that contained all the necessary combs,brushes and hair lotions. Including scissors, needle and thread since she's fixing her hair.

I lock my office and notice a lot of customers around.

Everyone's working. Good.

As my manner is, I greet all of them.

"Uh, Mrs Damola,  I'll need your help. We have to be at Lekki phase 2 right now. It's the last home service for the week"

"Make we dey go ma(let's get going ma)" she said in a hurry.

We drove to Lekki phase 2.


I arrived at the address that was contained in the message. I knocked the gate a little.

The security opened it."Welcome ma. How may I help you?"

"This should be Mrs Adeleye's. Am I  right?"

He gave a reassuring smile. "Yes. Madam dey wait for you (madam is waiting for you)"

Expected. I pray she doesn't complain because we're a bit late.

"Okay thanks" I said and walked in.

"Omo this house big sha. Them get money o (this house is very big. The owners are rich)" Mrs Damola said with great admiration as her eyes went round.

I smiled at her "you're right"

"Yewande, you're welcome" said a feminine voice inside the house.


I tried to recognize it. It dawned on me that she's Tony's mom.

I forgot. How funny.

She came outside. "How are you? By the way, your outfit is nice"

"I'm alright ma. Thanks"

"Anytime. Come in" she invites.

"We're okay, thanks for the kind gesture. Get your weavon so we will finish your hair on time.You know how bad the traffic is" I said.

"Okay. Just wait here, I'll be back in a jiffy"

I nodded as Mrs Damola smiled sheepishly at me.

Old woman.

Eighty four minutes later.

"Wow. ... you're really skilled. I love the way my hair looks" Mrs Adeleye complimented and could not stop looking at the mirror.

"It's by God's grace ma. Thanks for the compliment anyways"

"You're welcome. So how much does the hair cost?"

I smile. "seven thousand naira ma"

"You know what? Kindly send your account number so that I can pay in. Okay?"

"No worries ma. Thanks and God bless"

"Bless you too dear. My regards to your mom. Alright bye" She waved.

I love her psyche. "Bye ma'am!"

We drove back to the spa then I drove home.

It's been a very hectic day.

Luckily, there wasn't much traffic jam so I got home by 9pm.

Goodness, Tunmise will be around before 7am tomorrow and I have to pick him up. Meaning I  have to wake up early.


I enter the house, fling my bag on the couch,lay down on the sofa then doze off.

Don't blame me, it's called "stress level."

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