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I've been here at the hospital for twelve days now. Ever since Edna got admitted, she has been in coma, fighting for her life. I cry all day and night, pray to God, done numerous things but it doesn't seem to be working.

Her relatives are worried sick about her especially her mom. Anytime I look at her, I feel very guilty. Her brothers; Tunmise and Tokunbo assured me that she'll be fine and I shouldn't worry about anything. It made me feel encouraged but I don't feel any better.

Although her eldest brother, Dare is mad at me, it's not his fault because if I were in the same shoes as his, I'll react the same way.

I pace moodily around the room where Edna is. I began to remember our good and bad times together. The moments we shared, kept flashing pictures in my mind. Tears flowed freely from my eyes.

I walked to the bed where she's laid. I hold her hands and kiss the back of her palms.

"Okay I'm tired of your drama Edna. I've had enough of it. Please wake up I beg of you! Can't you remember when you promised never to leave me? The day you said you trusted me? Come on girl, that afternoon we went to the market to purchase foodstuffs, how you kept teasing me? The day you hugged me for the first time at the hospital? Don't you understand me? I'll explain it to you right away. The day I fed you ice cream at the ice cream bar? The moment we slept together under the duvet? When I got pepper in my eyes? The first day we met and I caught you when you tripped and almost fell? The times we spent at your spa? How you encouraged me when I gave up learning how to fix a weavon? The day you taught me how to weave plaits neatly?" I said hitting her hands on the bed to signify my pain.

Slowly, her hands started moving. The cardiac monitoring stopped beeping. It began to move normally. A smile of joy curved on my lips. She opened her eyes, held my hands tightly like she used to.

"Doctor!" I shouted. "Please hurry!"
Her mom rushed in immediately. "Is she awake now? Tell me she is"

"Yes yes" I nod continuously. "Look, her heart rate isn't dropping and the cardiac monitoring isn't beeping anymore"

Mrs Ajayi began to cry. Holding Edna's hands, she kissed the back of her palms. "My Yewande"

The doctor looks amazed. "This is indeed God's plan! I'm surprised this is happening, to be honest. I lost all hopes on her case. God is alive"

"Yes doctor. Please will she be alright?" I demanded, extremely worried.

"Of course. She needs a lot of rest and care. I'll prescribe some drugs so as to relieve the pain and stress she went through. She's likely to have some trauma and hallucinations but as time goes on she'll be fine. Please and please don't stress her in any form especially her brain. It can be detrimental to her health. Good luck"

With that, the doctor left.

"How are you Edna? Look, it's me Tony, your mom is right beside you, don't be scared. We're all here for you dear"

Her mom nodded repeatedly. "Yes my love, Tony is absolutely right"

"Where am I?" She finally spoke up.


"You're at the hospital baby" Anthony assured not wanting to let go of my hands. My body has been bandaged. I began to wonder why.

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